Along the roads in Europe – especially in France – one sees small cement markers at regular intervals. The French call these markers bornes kilometriques. We know them as kilometer – stones or milestones. Mile – stones show the number of the route as well as the distance to the next town. Their red or yellow color also shows whether the route is a national highway or a local road. These markers give this game its name: MILLE BORNES (pronounced “MEEL BORN”) means “a thousand milestones.” MILLE BORNES is a card game for 2, 3, 4 or 6 players, usually played as a partnership game by 4 players – 2 on each team. As a driver, you must follow the rules of the road. Namely: You can go only when the light is green. You must stop when the light is red. You must obey speed limit signs. If you get a flat tire, you must use a spare. If you run out of gas, you must refill your tank. If you have an accident, you must repair your car.
In this card game, you must follow these very same rules. And while sticking to them, you and your partner must try to travel 1,000 miles along an imaginary road. But be careful! Your opponents are trying to do the same and will try to slow you down by placing hazards in your path. Your challenge: to accumulate mileage by overcoming these hazards, while also trying to slow your opponents’ progress with hazards of your own.
The final object of the game is to be the first team to accumulate a total of 5,000 points in several hands of play. In doing so, you must try to complete a trip of exactly 1,000 miles in each hand played.