Category: Neo Geo Pocket (Color)
Flavor talks about his latest projects for the Neo Geo Pocket Color. These projects will hopefully give a small boost and raise interest in this SNK’s handheld again.
As it’s a lot easier that the “masta” himself talks, here is a quote:
The first is what I call the “Neo Linkmasta.” It hooks to a computer via USB. Then, it can “talk” to a game cartridge. Mainly this is good for reading and writing the cartridge data.
It has 3 interfaces on it. Two are specific. The specific ones are for the Neo Geo Pocket game carts and the Neo Geo MVS/AES memory cards. The third is a generic 40-pin expansion port. The idea is that anyone could plug in a standard 40-pin ribbon cable to it and hook the other end to whatever device they wanted (like maybe a Gameboy cartridge).
You could use this for things like backing up a save-game file, dumping a game to a file on your computer, or putting a PDROM game on to a flashable cartridge.
The other part of my project is the “Neo Pocket Flashmasta.” It’s a flashable cartridge for the Neo Geo Pocket. Someone could download a PDROM from your site, use the Linkmasta to flash it to the Flashmasta, then put the Flashmasta in their NGPC and play the game.
Thor has released the sources to his game Gears Of Fate.
The goal of “Gears Of Fate” is to reach the red square with the green ball. This is reached by rotating the board, while undo is possible while the board still rotates.
Colored tiles are removed when three of them are regrouped. Grey tiles can not be removed at all. Dark colored tiles are removed once all tiles of the same color have disappeared.
Thanks to Thor himself for the news via e-mail!
The goal of “Gears Of Fate” is to reach the red square with the green ball. This is reached by rotating the board, while undo is possible while the board still rotates.
Colored tiles are removed when three of them are regrouped. Grey tiles can not be removed at all. Dark colored tiles are removed once all tiles of the same color have disappeared.
This entry works on REAL HARDWARE where you have better sound but vector animations are slower. If you run this in an emulator: Using 12Khz WAV makes some emulators go nuts. Seems to work fine with NEOPOP 0.71 on Windows; Sometimes slower, sometimes faster than real HW.
Gears Of Fate by Thor is a game entered in the recently held PDRoms Coding Competition v4.01 ( //phpbb/viewforum.php?f=105 ) – sponsored by – – – – & ph0x.
The goal of “Gears Of Fate” is to reach the red square with the green ball. This is reached by rotating the board, while undo is possible while the board still rotates.
Colored tiles are removed when three of them are regrouped. Grey tiles can not be removed at all. Dark colored tiles are removed once all tiles of the same color have disappeared.
This entry works on REAL HARDWARE where you have better sound but vector animations are slower. If you run this in an emulator: Using 12Khz WAV makes some emulators go nuts. Seems to work fine with NEOPOP 0.71 on Windows; Sometimes slower, sometimes faster than real HW.
Discussion: //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=5930
For those who might have not recognized yet, we do have another coding competition here at PDRoms, running since 2nd April and it’s deadline beeing 31st May 2009. There are still two weeks to hook up an entry 🙂
Here is the brief data:
Topic: Create a logic/puzzle game
Competition running time: Thursday, 02 April 2009 to Sunday, 31st May 2009
Deadline: Sunday, 31th May 2009 @ 23:59, in YOUR timezone!
Systems allowed: Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 7800, Coleco Vision, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Game Gear, IntelliVision, Master System, Neo Geo Pocket, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Nintendo Entertainment System, Odyssey2, Wonderswan, Wonderswan Color, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Genesis/Megadrive, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo 64, PC Engine, Sega 32x, Sega CD and Vectrex.
Prizes to win: A WIZ console, 2 PSP Games, 1 Genesis Game, 5 R4 Cards, 10 Acekards and 150 US$ in cash
Prizes are sponsored by: – – – – – ph0x
For those who might have not recognized yet, we do have another coding competition here at PDRoms, running since 2nd April and it’s deadline beeing 31st May 2009. There is still plenty of time to get things going!
Here is the brief data:
Topic: Create a logic/puzzle game
Competition running time: Thursday, 02 April 2009 to Sunday, 31st May 2009
Deadline: Sunday, 31th May 2009 @ 23:59, in YOUR timezone!
Systems allowed: Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 7800, Coleco Vision, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Game Gear, IntelliVision, Master System, Neo Geo Pocket, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Nintendo Entertainment System, Odyssey2, Wonderswan, Wonderswan Color, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Genesis/Megadrive, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo 64, PC Engine, Sega 32x, Sega CD and Vectrex.
Prizes to win: A WIZ console, 2 PSP Games, 1 Genesis Game, 5 R4 Cards, 10 Acekards and 150 US$ in cash
Prizes are sponsored by: – – – – – ph0x
It’s reality again, here comes PDROMS CODING COMPETITION v4.01 – Retro Coding Fun for Console and Handhelds!
Coding on “closed” handhelds or consoles must not be a privilege; dozens of free development kits proof the opposite. The steadily growing “homebrew scene” produces unlicensed software for devices not meant to be open for everyone.
PDRoms has always been in the homebrew scene to support the creation of new homebrew software, support programmers and artists. To show our love to the homebrew scene once again, here comes the ninth PDRoms Coding Competition.
Here is the brief data:
Topic: Create a logic/puzzle game
Competition running time: Thursday, 02 April 2009 to Sunday, 31st May 2009
Deadline: Sunday, 31th May 2009 @ 23:59, in YOUR timezone!
Systems allowed: Atari 2600, Coleco Vision, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Game Gear, IntelliVision, Master System, Neo Geo Pocket, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Nintendo Entertainment System, Odyssey2, Wonderswan, Wonderswan Color, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Genesis/Megadrive, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo 64, PC Engine, Sega 32x, Sega CD and Vectrex.
Prizes to win: A WIZ console, 2 PSP Games, 1 Genesis Game, 5 R4 Cards, 10 Acekards and 150 US$ in cash
Prizes are sponsored by: – – – – – ph0x
Spread the word! – May the Schwartz be with you 😉
From 1st April 2009 to 31st May 2009 PDRoms will be hosting another coding competition. This time we will only allow 8 BIT systems (as another sister site wants to go for newer mainstream systems and we don’t want to collide).
In particular the following systems are allowed (subject to change): Atari 2600, Coleco Vision, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Game Gear, IntelliVision, Master System, Neo Geo Pocket, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Nintendo Entertainment System, Odyssey2.
The topic is decided, but you have to wait till 1st April 2009 for details.
We are currently seeking for judges and sponsors – please get in touch with us if you can help or want to supply goodies which we can give out as prizes.
A simple “shoot them up” – save the earth from aliens!
Different 3D objects and scenes moving on the screen!