Archive for October, 2008
GeeXboX v0.1 (Alpha4) (Wii Application)

GeeXboX is an open-source media center software. Changes: – Revert libswscale to fix GOOM audio visual rendering; – Improve GOOM audio visual performance; – Improve performance in lowering subtitle mode; – Make lowering subtitles work with DVD-VIDEO; – Make lowering subtitles work with on-the-fly aspect ratio change; – Support for optional mounting .nrg (DVD only) and .iso image file; – [&hellip

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TouchLaunch v0.04 (PPC Application)

TouchLaunch is simple application launcher, which scans start menu shortcuts, and list them alphabetically. Kind of similar to Scoll Launcher but this has new quick alphabetic scroll function. Changes: +icon support ( iconpacks ) +custom support +shortcut categories +replace folderview.exe function ( and also undo function ) +lot of bugs fixed +skin change is much much faster +customfolder support, for [&hellip

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Vocabulario DS v1.2 (NDS misc)

Vocabulario DS is a french educational program helping you to learn spanish. Changes: – Add on vocabulaire Diving – Some corrections

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SlashEM DS v1.0 (NDS Game)

Abcd1234 has ported the NetHack variant Slash’EM to Nintendo DS. Release notes: Well, after spending the entire summer doing basically nothing with this thing, this last weekend I had a bit of inspiration and built ports for the two major NetHack variants, SporkHack, and Slash’EM. Now, these are *definitely* ALPHA releases… I’ve barely had a chance to do any playtesting [&hellip

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SporkHackDS v1.0 (NDS Game)

Abcd1234 has ported the NetHack variant SporkHack to Nintendo DS. Release notes: Well, after spending the entire summer doing basically nothing with this thing, this last weekend I had a bit of inspiration and built ports for the two major NetHack variants, SporkHack, and Slash’EM. Now, these are *definitely* ALPHA releases… I’ve barely had a chance to do any playtesting [&hellip

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FCE Ultra GX v2.0.5 (NES emu for Wii)

Tantric has updated his NES emulator FCE Ultra GX. Changes: – Sound bug fixed – thanks eke-eke! – High quality sound enabled, lowpass filter enabled – Video threading enabled – Fixed timing error (incorrect opcode) Discussion: Thanks to for the news!

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Sexy Blackjack Trainer II featuring Maria Ozawa (NDS Game)

Sexy Blackjack Trainer II featuring Maria Ozawa is a card game that teaches blackjack basic strategy and card counting. Play blackjack, win points, and unlock sexy pictures! New features include HI-LO card counting, option to gamble your winnings (double-up), and an item shop that increases your chances to win big! Warning: This game has adult content and is not appropriate [&hellip

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CommanDSKeen v1.0 (NDS Game)

Alekmaul has ported CloneKeen to Nintendo DS. CloneKeen is an almost almost complete open-source clone of the old classic DOS game, Commander Keen: Invasion of the Vorticons by ID Software. Thanks to for the news!

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Wiiero v1.1 (Wii Game)

Wiiero by BScrk is a Liero clone specially developed for Nintendo Wii. Changes: – Wiiero version: Release 1.1 – Wii Resolution config implemented (Warning : Can slow down the game in case of large explosions) – Nunchuck unplugging fixed – Wiimote detection improved (ingame switch on support) – Some English & typo correction (thanks to Flark) – Missile weapon command [&hellip

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LightWay (Demo) (PSP Game)

LightWay by Motion Studio is a Shoot ’em up for PlayStation Portable. Quote: I present my game, LightWay established by the Motion Studio. This is a shoot’em up originally for PSP but declined to use the computer. It includes a playable adventure as a two players comprising 12 levels (not including bonus levels) but also online with a friend with [&hellip

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