kedo managed to reupload 99% of the old PDRoms Archive to the new system we are currently using, this means the Gameboy Archive is fully back!


Gameboy All Files (340)
Gameboy Games (233)
Gameboy Demos (94)
Gameboy Techdemos (6)
Gameboy Applications (1)
Gameboy Miscellaneous (6)

Most games are are available for download, while some had to be locked, specially the once bearing the name “Tetris” 1:1 in the title. The “Tetris Company” is quite agressive against trademark abuse, so we had to take this step.

Now go and enjoy the GB/GBC Archive with many homebrew pearls, which were released the past years.

In behalf of our visitors, many thanks to kedo for his effort uploading the files and making plenty of screenshots! It was for sure a time taking task.