News from ZodTTD and his VLC port for iPhone, read on…
Hi everyone,
I have been working very hard on vlc4iphone. I had to drop the ZodPlay name, as nobody seemed to understand the name change. I will keep things simple and just continue moving along with VLC.
vlc4iphone has been gaining a lot of attention, and my work on it has been continuous through the day and night. I now have FLV with sound running great. MP4’s are running very well, though a bug preventing sound from being outputted is slowing down the release of this build. I haven’t tested HTTP and RTSP streaming, though it is compiled in.
I plan on leaving in the full command line interface in the upcoming release, in addition to the GUI, so it can be integrated into tools such as Docs, allowing for files to be associated with vlc4iphone.
I also will be adding (improved) file browsing to the vlc4iphone GUI as well.I plan on having this all ready to be released this week to beta testers. I realize there is a large demand for this application, so I am working hard to get a public build out. It’s a matter of quality control.
For those who have written me in the past few days, you will be receiving an answer to your emails and PMs today. My PM box landed up getting full, and my email inbox was full of bounced back emails due to a spammer. If you don’t hear back from me today, be sure to use this form to contact me again.
Now that the site is back up and going, my emails are getting answered, soon it will be time for me to get back to work on vlc4iphone. After that, I have a lot of things planned such as Hedgewars and Gianas Return, and updates to existing software as well!