Image provided by: KojoteDirectly from the Giana’s Return Homepage:
A long time without update, but now a larger one with probably very bad news. Our coder CHN is missing since around March 2004, just shortly after the Giana’s Return v0.90 release for Dreamcast and GP32 he disappeared, with the reason beeing busy and working on his university diploma stuff. The last direct contact with CHN was end of March 2004, the last indirect contact around June 2004. The point is: NO CODER = NO FINAL RELEASE. The rest of the team is very unhappy about this situation and we tried to keep everything running, but sometimes there is a point where you just can’t hide facts. We tried almost everything to reach him, calling him on his homephone (no response at all), writing emails to all of his known email-accounts and so on. We even tried to get in touch with his brother and asking about CHN’s situation. We really do not know what happend to him as he even did not have the time to write a short”beeing absent”mail to the team.Of course the team would be happy to finalize the game, as many people wait for it. The game is at least 95% done, Alex has finalized the music last week, Kojote has finalized all the levels, but it all does not help without coder. He is the only one having the source!!!There is also a Giana’s Return v0.90 – Windows since March 2004 (development version), but we can’t release it, as it’s teamwork and everyone should have the possibility to say his opinion about a release. As this is not possible, due to CHN’s disappearance, we still keep it internal.We are thankful for all the donations so far, the great feedback, all people who supported us. As soon as CHN gives a sign of life, we try to finalize everything in time, before he has the chance to disappear again. Thanks for reading and never forget: Live long&prosper!