Slaanesh released a new version of Mame for the GP32 based on MAME4ALL.

Release notes:

This version of MAME4ALL is for the GP32 handheld and is still a BETA version – some things will change for the final release.

Please read the supported.txt included in the download for a list of games that this version supports. The GP32 version does not and will not support all games that that GP2X does.

I’ve worked pretty long and hard on this project – starting many months ago. Getting the sound right and splitting the games was quite time consuming. As it stands MAME4ALL GP32 beta is fairly feature packed and includes most things that you would expect from a capable emulator.

There is no documentation yet nor source code but I will release both of these soon with version 1.0.
For now see the homepage for details.

Special thanks to Franxis as this version for the GP32 is based on his excellent version for the GP2X.