Tony Han has sent me an email regarding their “Promotional Video Clip Contest” a while ago, but we did not manage to post it yet… so here we go:


Gamepark Holdings Co., Ltd is hosting a promotional video clip contest starting 15th October 2009, and ending on 20th November 2009 @ 23:59 in your local time zone.

Your Task:
1) Create a promotional clip, which promotes the GP2X WIZ
2) There is a time limit of 10 minutes
3) The clip should be enjoyable to anybody.
4) Violence, nudity, racism and other immoral content will not be tolerated.

Judging will be done by Gamepark Holdings Co., Ltd officials and the general public.

Everyone should respect the copyright of others, so please only use elements with permission or generate your own content (preferred).

By submitting your entry, you agree that your video clip does not violate any copyrights. Furthermore, you consent to give Gamepark Holdings Co., Ltd permission use this video clip without restrictions.

How to submit your entry:
Step 1) Upload your Video to YouTube
Step 2) Write us an email to with the appropriate URL of your clip.

Once the result is announced, the 3 contestants with the most votes will receive a nice Christmas present from GPH.