Team Xos have released an Apple II emulator for the PSP. Here is the current feature list:
Feature Log
imported YAE 0.6 sources 16:9, 4:3 ratio displays&overscanned displays disk swapping 40&80 column text modes (slot 3 80 col card) two DiskII drives, prodos and dos 3.3 compatible II, II+ and IIe emulation hard (memory clearing) reset Currently Known Bugs
exit occasinally crashes video texture issues timing issues sound quality issues (related to timing) To-Do List
smartport disks (400k, 800k, harddisks) mockingboard emulation realtime clock midi card printer emulation (epson mx-80) Uther Ethernet emulation over wifi (for contiki) uber secret things Controls
DPAD/Analog : Joystick 0 cross circle triangle : Button 0, 1, 2 L trigger : onscreen keyboard Start : main menu Select : disk menu