Test your RGB color matching skills with ArrGeeBee!

Play three levels of difficulty, from casual to nightmare. Manipulate Red, Green and Blue sliders to see if you can get your swatch to match.

ArrGeeBee is a fun introduction to additive color mixing. Can you match the color before time runs out?


IMPORTANT! Installing this version will remove your old High Scores!

Difficulty levels have been scaled down based on player feedback. Here’s the new breakdown:

Casual Difficulty features 64 possible color combinations (old version featured 1,000). Each slider has 4 possible values.

Serious Difficulty features 1,000 possible color combinations (old version featured 1,000,000). Each slider has 10 possible values. This level used to be called Casual in version 1.0.

Nightmare Difficulty features 1,000,000 possible color combinations (old version featured over 16,000,000). Each slider has 100 possible values. This level used to be called Serious in version 1.0.
