deniska has updated the port of NOIZ2SA for the PSP. The changes are:

– Color customization: all game colors can be re-assigned by changing ./images/colors.txt filecolors are in 8 bit RGB format (where R,G,B range from 0 to 255.Note that actual display color components are in 5 bit format, meaning that colors (255,255,255)&(254,254,254) are going to look the same on the screen…- New color theme. Of course, if you don’t like it, create your own or use the classic one by swapping files in images directory withthe ones from images_classic.- Side panels can be changed by editing corresponding images in ./images directory.Make sure you keep the size the same&save images as 8 bit BMPs.- Expanded soundtrack support. Each finite level has it’s own soundtrack now.- FX volume adjustment: get the perfect music/fx ratio with [SQARE]&[TRIANGLE] buttons during the game play.- Soundtrack playback in main menu.- New soundtrack added.NOTE: you can still use any mod/s3m/xm/it files as your game music. Make sure that they have<8 channels, named propery&put in the sounds directory.- Rendering optimizations: frame rate is boosted from 20fps (v.05) to 30fps normal / 60fpswireframe mode. Wireframe mode can be enabled by setting"RENDER_BG 0"in ./images/colors.txt file. If set, background is not filled with color, which, in my opinion, creates a nice effect&saves lot's of CPU juice for boosting the frame rate.- Numerous bug fixes: it should not hange on exit anymore, play sound on extra life bonus and so on.- Source code, although not clean and highly unreadable, is released. Use the latest build of PSPSDK to build. You'll need to install a bunch of libraries from ps2dev.orgprior to build...