EvilDragon of the Pandora development team released the a beta version of their fourth Hotfix pack for the Pandora.


So far, these new features are in the HotFix 4 Beta Package:

* Kernel: Added Bluetooth patch by urjaman. PAN (bluetooth internet connections) work fine now.
* Nub Mousebuttons: Moving down is now middle mousebuttons. Recognition of mouseclicks with the nub has been enhanced (patch by urjaman)
* Pandora-Scripts: The internal scripts (CPU-Speed, Startup-Manager, etc.) have icons now.
* Lid: Opening / Closing will not affect the powersave mode anymore.
* Powersave mode: Changed the CPU Speed setting
* pnd_run: Cleaned up, added support for clockspeed setting
* libpnd: Finally support spaces in pathnames and PND-Names.
* Updated to a more recent XFCE4-Version
