Nathan Kozlowski and Daniel Bienvenu released the sixth issue of their Colecovision Magazine”ColecoNation”. It’s an online magazine dealing with recent happenings in the Colecovision scene. Content:
THE BLUE SCREEN Who’s making it to Season Two? What’s ColecoNation going to look like in 2006?READER’S SURVEYHelp make ColecoNation better and win a prize!THIS JUST IN…Check out the latest ColecoVision news. We got it straight from the horse’s mouth.IN PLAY ColecoVision Game Pack #2Reviews of the freshest ColecoVision games on the market.IN REVIEW Coleco Head-to-Head GamesHow do the new Coleco electronic games hold up?ROVING REPORTERS Festival Arcadia [11.04-06.05]It’s a big, Coleco-world out there and we’ve got people covering it.REFERENCEAdditional information and links on this month’s articles and topics.