Miq01 has updated his puzzle game Tilematch for the GP2x. Changes:
Holding the stick in a direction on menus makes the cursor scroll through the options. In the”Enter name”screen, scrolls through the letters. Names can have spaces. During game, the cursor moves a bit faster while holding the stick in a direction. At the start of each level, the text”LEVEL “is shown centered on the board for a few seconds. Last score is marked on high score table. Resetting the high score table is done by pressing L+R instead of R. Each language inside the language list is shown in its language instead of using the one currently selected (so that you don’t have to remember that”angl? means”english”anymore smile.gif). Added sound (Konami-style smile.gif) when pausing. Small visual improvements. Added jumping tiles in menu. smile.gif Added music in the”Enter name”screen. Vol+ works.