Wii Solitaire v0.3 (Wii Game)

Wii Solitaire is a very simple solitaire game which makes use of the Wiimote. This game is still a work in progress.


Major Game-play Changes
– Card-Based Selection
– Vertical Card Adjustment

Minor Changes
– Finished Core Menu
– GRRLIB 16:9 Support
– Properly Scaled Cards and New Table

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Sabacc Basics (WIP) (PSP Game)

Sabacc is a card game of luck known throughout the galaxy in the Star Wars universe.

Release notes:

For the Star Wars fans, a PSP version of Sabacc, still in progress, however. It took me about a year to get it to this playable point, as I only get about 2 hours a week to work on it.

I know there’s some bugs:
– The biggie: It will crash after a few rounds. This is actually caused by a call to strlen at some point, each time from somewhere else in the program. Therefore, it’s pretty much random. I haven’t had too much time to analyze libc.
– When starting a new round, the text in the middle of the screen which tells you the selected card is not updated.
– Probably other stuff I can’t think of right now.

Other issues:
– There’s no artwork for the face cards, so all you’ll see is the name of the card. Volunteers welcome.
– Menu lacks help. Up/Down to select. X to confirm.

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Simple Dev Studio for GP2x v0.7b (GP2x misc)

Simple Dev Studio is a very small IDE for GP2x SDK (0,3 mb) for those who want to make small applications without the need of a +500 mb Visual Studio install. The IDE itself contains and needs only the official GP2x SDK and additional SDL libs or minimal libs to work.


– GP2X Help Button [ GP2x Icon on left ] has got 3 links which redirects you to excellent tutorials about gp2x / sdl / c++ programming
– Nasty timer “bug” about “working too hard” is turned off
– Added New Setup App to auto-setup your ide with sdk
– Corrected few small bugs..
– And finally SDK [ GP2x and Win32 ] is binded with SimpleDevStudio IDE

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iPlay Pong v3.1 (PSP Game)

Pong for Playstation Portable by J3r3mie.

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VN Hentai Game Engine v0.2 (NDS Application)

A visual novel game engine by tommybomb.

Release Notes:

I have been working on this game for some time now, as I planned to make a hentai visual novel game it turned to something else. I am now trying to make the engine of this game open source so others can make their visual novel games. I just happen to make mine a hentai VN with a mini game involved so it does not get so boring. I have decided to wait before I actually start game to get kicked off as i plan to remake the interface, buttons, sprites, backgrounds, etc. before that happens. For now I just want to complete the engine

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brainfuckDS v1.0 (NDS Application)

brainfuckDS by chuckstudios is an interpreter of the brainfuck esoteric programming language.


– Implements 7 of the 8 brainfuck commands (“,”, the input operator, is disabled due to the lack of a keyboard)
– Uses 30,000 8-bit cells (the original implementation, and the most common)
– DLDI compatible
– File browser, so your programs can be anywhere on the card

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mirCronometro v1.0 (PSP Application)

A chronometer watch application for Playstation Portable by fendergc.


– Very accurate (counts till nanoseconds) thanks to the reading of CPU clock
– Capability to put it in pause, reassuming from where it was stopped
– It evaluates best time, worst time and middle time
– A Beep scan time every second (useful to rubik’s cube players)
– Capability to learn up to five best times
– capability to execute it also in standby mode, with max accuracy
– CPU is set to 111/111 to saveup battery life
– Limit time is of one hour

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iChingDS (08-08-2008) (NDS Application)

An i Ching oracle (Chinese Book of Changes or Yi Jing) application for Nintendo DS by crowcity.


– coin tossing line by line
– first and second hexagrams
– changing lines are printed only where relevant
– switching hexagram display between first and second – hexagrams
– cast again if you want to

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WintenDOS v2.0 (NDS Application)

WintenDOS is a shell application for Nintendo DS.

Thanks to for the news.

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Beebem v0.6 (BBC Micro emu for GP2x)

A new version of BeebEm has been released by Fru.T Bunn.


– Better video emulation.
– Improved user interface.

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