FTPii v0.0.17 (Wii Application)

FTPii is an FTP server for the Wii, giving people easy access to their SD cards without having to eject it from the Wii itself.


– Upgraded to devkitPPC r16.
– Fixed crash bug when mounting /fst for discs with fst_size greater than 32KB.
– Fixed logic bug where some files under /fst appear in the wrong directories.
– Fixed display initialisation bug causing intermittent blank display on startup.
– Added SITE LOAD command to run DOL executables. (thanks svpe/shagkur!)
– Added virtual metadata directories under /fst.

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FreeTypeGX v0.2.0 (Wii misc)

FreeTypeGX is a wrapper class for libFreeType which renders a compiled FreeType parsable font into a GX texture for Wii homebrew development. FreeTypeGX is written in C++ and makes use of a pre-buffered methodology to allow fast and efficient printing of text to the EFB.

This library was developed in-full by Armin Tamzarian with the support of developers in #wiibrew on EFnet, Chaosteil of libwiisprite, and DrTwox of GRRLIB.

Full Doxygen API documentation is included within the download archive for assistance with program integration.

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TxtEd v1.0 (Wii Application)

linus released a simple text mode file editor for Nintendo Wii.


txtEd will open any file under about 1mb for text editing. Maximum line size for input file is 128 characters.

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Geometry World (R4) (PSP Game)

This is a platform game about the MS DOS system. The red ball makes it work by passing next level. I tried to make it good by adding scrolling levels (they appear later), items, enemies, obstacles and other platforming elements.


+ Yoshi
+ 17 new levels – it’s 51 levels total
+ wings item
+ new objects and traps
+ 2 new languages to use (Italian and Spanish)
+ fonts – bios font is shown only on loading
+ level select – it’s temporary, I’ll work on saving system
+ home can be used to exit from game. Hooray!
* eboot
* menu
– passwords

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Change-D 2009 (Beta) (PSP Application)

CHANGE-D is a simple application which allows you to keep a better directory structure for your programs. The game folder will be organized into two folders (Games & Apps). You can easily change between thsoe folders by just pressing one button.


hi guys, i am back and with a new version of Change-D. this version is now call Change-D 2009 because it has now a different approach to to changing the game mode that you are on.

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Quiz (Beta 1) (PSP Game)

TokyoDrift released a Quiz game for PlayStation Portable.


I was just aghast from what people are releasing here. These Quizs are just debugging style and…I don’t want to think about it now… well I made a Quiz on my own, it’s not finished yet but I don’t want to continue the project so I can release it, too it says DEV Team but the only developer am I and the only designer is XAN it’s based on a SQLite Database and has some features like point system, random question order and so on you can make your own database if you want to, I made a prog for this

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DS Pack v1.2 (Arcade machine emu for NDS)

Copper has updated his Arcade machine emulator, specialized in emulating Pacman and some of its variants.


– Rewrote its chip Namco (the sound is much clearer on DS),4004.0.html

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Fandian (r303) (NDS 3D Engine)

Fandian (previously known as Sonic) is the development name for ritz’s homebrew nintendo ds 3D game project. Some notable features include skeletal animation, static & dynamic point lights, shadow volumes, skyboxes, picking, gravity and object & environment collision detection. In the near future he will build the game logic, a.i., scripting and maybe an interactive 3D map builder for easy world creation and object & creature placement.

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WarioWare Custom v1.6 (NDS Game)

SaviorXTanren updated their mini-game collection “WarioWare Custom”.

Release notes:

Alright guys! HUUUUUUUUUGE UPDATE! So, I’ll start with the little stuff first and then move on to the really big, exciting stuff =D.

So, I’ve added in two new games and took out that “Touch The X’s” game, since it was pretty much the same thing as “Pop The Dots”. The two new games are “Kick The Football”, which uses the Stylus to make a slash on the touch screen to kick the football in that direction and “Build The Bridge”, which has you shift around pieces of a bridge to form a larger bridge to allow a car to pass over it.

In addition to these two new games, I have updated all of the other games for 3 levels of speed and 3 levels of difficulty modes. So, if you remember in the normal WarioWare games how there is varying speed and difficulty modes? Well, now they are in this one, for the 9 games that exist at least =P. Some of the difficulty modes are easier to spot than others, but every games has a shortened time limit and sped up music for the different speed changes.

Finally, the last and biggest update…*drum roll*…The first multi-player mode is up and running! This is a SINGLE DS multi-player mode, which is unique in itself. You only need one DS and up to 4 players can play. You simply pass the DS around when the appropriate player comes up, sorta of similar to how the Wii WarioWare multi-player games work. It’s got graphics, sound, the whole nine yards. Note, the graphics may not be up to cutting edge right now, everything that’s not the title screens and menus (which have been graciously done by James Garner and Kikaimaster), was made by me in Paint. =P

Thanks to for the news.

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Negative Space (28-12-2008) (GBA Game)

Negative Space is a homebrew puzzle/platform game for the Nintendo DS based on the concept of negative space and originally developed by Mia.

Gener Gabasa is having the pleasure to honour us with a Gameboy Advance port of it. Enjoy!


Here is my GBA port of MIA’s original Nintendo DS masterpiece, the Negative Space!

Thanks to for the news.

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