Archive for July, 2005
PSP Chess v0.26 (PSP Game)

Christopher surprises us with another update of PSP Chess. Thanks to z3u5 for the news. Changes: moves print use modified put char from sdk to display using lower and uppercase new feature for beginner players (and others): option: hilite checks – default off – shows the threatenings piece(s) when in check. (red mask) option: show available – default off – [&hellip

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Polygon v0.3 (PSP Game)

The Grey Matter modified his”Bejeweled”clone after some copyright issues… and here is”Polygon”. 1)for some of you it might seem that there aren’t many changes, and while this is is true , it’s mostly because most of the changes are in the infra-structure. these changes will allow me me to add more features faster, and shorten the time between the releases.2) [&hellip

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PSP Go v0.6 (PSP Game)

Sai updated PSP Go, which is a conversation of a boardgame.

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PSP Mag #6 (PSP misc)

Image provided by: UnknownJust recieved an email from Jeff who pointed me out at a free PSP magazine. Not sure if it covers homebrew, but at least it’s free of charge and you have something to read 🙂

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PDRC #3.33 – Deadline in THREE hours (misc)

Time floats away… and the deadline comes closer. For now there areTHREE hours leftto submit your entry.Please send all submissions to submissions(at)pdroms(dot)dePS: If you are one or two hours too late, it’s okay too. But it shouldn’t be more :)PSS: If you didn’t hear about that compo yet… it’s too late 🙂

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Iro (17-07-2005) (English Version) (NDS Game)

scawf released an english version (Iro was previously in french language) of his game”Iro”. Iro is similar to breakout/arkanoid.

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D-Pad Doom PSP v0.04 (PSP Game Port)

For those who prefer to play Lantus’ Doom port with the D-Pad instead of the analog stick, here a modification by MDave. Thanks to wraggster for the news.

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PSP Launcher (Beta) (PSP Application)

Text taken from it’s original post at Thanks to wraggster for the news. Hello folks… Using various pieces of code/art from many people (VBA Emu browser, pspsdk samples, pochi style backgrounds []), I wrote for myself a tiny file browser to : – Browse the memory stick – Enable the USB connection without exiting the tool (and so update [&hellip

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Angband v3.0.6 for PSP v0.3 (PSP Game)

abszero has updated his port of Angband for the PSP. Changes: Fixed the slow loading. Now loads in just a second or two unless you delete certain files and it has to recreate them. [Gendal] Expanded the view to be 80×33 instead of 80×25. Note: If you continue a character from v0.1 or 0.2, your town will still be the [&hellip

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Scumm VM PSP (Beta 2) (PSP misc)

ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the game, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed! Beta 2 for the PSP is out now…

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