Zelurker has released another update to his continuation of NeoCD PSP from YoyoFR. NeoCD is a NeoGeo and NeoGeoCD emulator. For the changelog and the download please check the official page. http://www.rainemu.com/html/archive/tux/neocdpsp.html
Image provided by: jonny2002Description: Control the music playing part of”Xbox Media Center”without the need to have your tv turned on, wirelessly from anywhere in your house.http://forums.qj.net/showthread.php?t
NJ has updated his work on the Neo Geo CD emulator NeoGeo CDZ. This is the modified CZ80 version, which is different to the previously reported version. http://neocdz.hp.infoseek.co.jp
NJ has updated his work on the Neo Geo CD emulator NeoGeo CDZ. http://neocdz.hp.infoseek.co.jp
Homer has continued Mr. Mirakachis work on RIN, a Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator for the PSP. Changes in this release: Menu bug/hang fix http://forums.qj.net/showthread.php?t
Lumo has released an update to his 3D model loader for the PSP. Changes: Preview v3+ changed doublesided to singlesided meshes&backfaceculling (->draws only visible triangles, front side! ->planes might be invisible, cause of orientation) + new conversion tool (as cmsh might be v2, v3 i just call it v2 now…)+ rewrote maya export script to export the faces in correct* [&hellip
PLP is a paint program written in Lua by PSP333.http://psplua.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid
The GP2x port of Michel Louvet’s Pang remake has been updated.http://bitmage.de/index.php?section
Image provided by: KaosOverrideKaosOverride has ported Robot Escape to the GP2x. Robot Escape is a quick-thinking maze game. You are a ball, rolling around through a maze. You can turn left or right, but you can’t turn around. You must avoid running into robots. You can kill robots by throwing discuses at them when you take a turn.http://www.gp32spain.com/foros/showthread.php?t
Release notes: TankBrigade – Demo By XiGency of Team PSP Crazy: Here’s a game I’ve been working on. It is one of the games in the PSP Crazy Online lineup and will support team online play. Here’s just a demo. Im also planning on making a single player as well as single PSP multiplayer and IR multiplayer.Right now, the AI [&hellip