graphDS is a very primitive program for the DS that implements the class and performs calculations. Eventually, this application will be a sort of graphing calculator that will include expression evaluation, graphing, and calculus tools like slope fields and Euler’s method. It will also be capable of evaluating definite integrals and Riemann sums
The idea of the game is that you need to factor a very large number which is a multiple of the first 8 primes: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, and 19. So, for instance: 12355467391260000000 = 2^8 * 3^7 * 5^7 * 7^10 By pressing the left, right, up, down, A, B, X, and Y buttons, you can [&hellip
Quirky speaks up about the future of Bunjalloo, a web browser for the Nintendo DS. Read on: Lately I’ve read some positive comments about my home-brewed web browser on a few different forums and news sites. It’s nice to know that people find the software useful! I’ve also received some suggestions via email on how to make the browser even [&hellip
MobileChat is a multi instant messenger for iPhone. Changes: Horizontal/Landscape Orientation Availability “New IM†finally works “Send†Button has been relocated to the keyboard (in place of return) iPhone Firmware 1.1.3 Compatibility DNS Issue that plagued 1.x and 2.0 has been resolved. BSD Subsystem dependency should be gone. Added support for XMPP GTalk has been temporarily removed Sign On progress [&hellip
Graphics library for gp2x. Includes 2D, 3D, Text, Time, Joystick, and Sound (ogg) functions. Includes working example code, and .gpe files. Now Included a Win32 port to test your programs before compiling for GP2X. Win32 tester version includes 2D, 3D, Text, and Joystick functions. Now supports textures upto 128×128 bitmaps
Termula2x is a UNIX terminal emulator for GP2X, including vi text editor. It supports background images. Changes: * added hide/show virtual keyboard option – to show virtual keyboard set vkeyboard=true or set vkeyboard=false to hide it
Select any application in either /Applications or /var/root/Applications and launch it, so long as the app is registered with SpringBoard. Release notes: Version 0.31 is in the XLaunch folder. Try tilting it on its side! Now supports Webclips as well as app icons.Oh, and p.s. Yes, it does work on the touch. And p.p.s. This probably means that AppFlow is [&hellip
PSPTube lets you watch Youtube comfortable via your
Readme.txt: Wii Mode MP3 Player by emu_kidid. Built using libogc cvs for wii mode via the zelda tp exploit. These are instrutions on how to setup your SD card to have both this .elf and mp3’s on the same SD card. Steps: 1. Format your SD card. 2. Extract and copy the file called padding to your SD card 3. [&hellip
This app is for browsing the device tree, and trying out quick IOS commands w/out doing builds. Changes: +Fixed bug causing crash related to overrunning the log +Added easy to use Byte (binary mode) adding interface +Fixed debug messages going to log. (More useful/detailed) +Speed improvements related to allocating memory +Fixed padding of bytes so output is easier to read [&hellip