Archive for June, 2008
Frog (1st Release) (NDS Game)

Thom has released a new little touch screen puzzle based upon the picking demo found in the libnds examples. Press A to start, then touch groups of shapes as they whizz around the screen. Select three of the same type to make them go away. Remove all shapes to move up a level. Game ends when time runs out

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Escape WIP (NDS Game)

Kukulcan reports that some of his french developer collegues are working on a remake of the CPC game “Escape”. More information in french language there&#

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YahtzeeDS v1.0 (NDS Game)

hotkebab99 comes up with his version of the dice game “Yahtzee&#

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PyOGC (Wii misc)

Quote from tehpola and comex: PyOGC is an OGC wrapper for Python written in Pyrex (a hybrid Python-C language designed for extension development). The author, tehpola, made a working demo, but the demo itself was made in Pyrex, not real Python. I (comex) hacked Python a little so the interpreter as well would run, and you can run .py files. [&hellip

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Wii Web Server v0.3 (Alpha) (Wii Application)

A simple web-server for the Wii. Still is very early stages of development and at present can only display a built in test page. Changes: Added wiimote support Added image support Added /img image test link

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Bubble Dizzy v0.92 (Beta) (Wii Game)

Foxy has updated his Bubble Dizzy remake for Wii

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FissionField2x v1.0 (GP2x Game)

In FissionField two players (blue and red) take turns. A player can either move on a free field or one that is already occupied by his color. When the number of particles in a field reaches the number of neighbouring fields, i.e. 2 for the fields in the corners, 3 along the side and 4 for the fields in the [&hellip

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Puzzobomb Jr (NDS Game)

Bring equal tiles together to make them disappear. The levels are from 2 sources. 1. Fraggle’s Puzznix game on the Amstrad CPC 2. The freeware game “Vexed” available from Jayenkai the author wants feedback, so if you have a minute or two on your hands, let him know what you think! Enough feedback might make him improving this game, [&hellip

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Zombie NDS (Demo) (NDS Game)

Zombie NDS is about survival in a zombie invested environment. Build your adrenaline up in order to survive, as the little armor you have, won’t last long and there’s no replacement available. Every frag will give you a little adrenaline boost and some might even give you a real adrenaline kick! As soon as you get an adrenaline overdose (adrenaline [&hellip

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Jorge the French Superplumber WIP (NDS Game)

“Jorge the French Superplumber” is a game project which is currently beeing developed, there is no download. If you are highly interested in how a game develops, step by step, here is the chance to put your eyes on it

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