seanpaul223 has updated his “Age of Nations” project. If everything turns out well, it should develop into a proper real time strategy game
Nuclear Bit has updated his “Flight Demo”. This version has added distance fog, which gives it another spice up. Just download the .rar posted in the first posting
This is a 3D version of Rubik’s Cube for the Nintendo DS. Sidenote: You need to be logged into the NeoFlash webboard to download the file, unfortunatly this requires registration
With DSBash you can browse trough chat-quote-archives. Sidenote: You need to be logged into the NeoFlash webboard to download the file, unfortunatly this requires registration
Sephiroth_FF7 has updated his Chess game “ManyChess”. Sephiroth_FF7’s aim is to make it a Chess game with many different types of chess rules
GBAtemp are proud to announce the creation of a Monthly Homebrew Bounty, a bounty (fund-raising using donations from organizations and people) that will reward, each month, the author of the best homebrew. For now, this only goes for Nintendo DS homebrew
Imagine someone giving you an audio blogcast talking about homebrew releases – your wish has become true! Homebrewcast is just doing this! Episode 2 has the following topics: – GBAtemp’s Homebrew Bounty – Piece of shit prize package – ComicBookDS site back online! – DSTwitter v1.2 – FewChessDS 0.5 – Castle Wars 0.9 – AmplituDS 4.0 – FingerManiaDS
PocketCAS is a free interface to the open-source Computer Algebra System giac/xcas. xcas enables you to quickly solve complex algebraic problems, e.g. symbolic and numeric integration and derivation of non-trivial functions, solving differential equations etc. It has also a huge support for problems of linear algebra, like solving linear equation systems, multiplying and inverting matrices, finding eigenvalues (and eigenvectors, of [&hellip
This program brings you a 3D cube which will be used to switch/rotate between running programs
Puff and Blow each have a Methane Gas Gun which fires a cloud of immobilising gas. If this comes into contact with a bad guy he will be absorbed into the gas and then float around the screen for a limited time. Bad guys are harmless in this state. Puff and Blow must suck the floating gas clouds into their [&hellip