Archive for August, 2008
Age of Nations WIP (Demo 3) (PSP Lua Game)

seanpaul223 has updated his “Age of Nations” project. If everything turns out well, it should develop into a proper real time strategy game

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Flight Demo (12-10-2008) (PS3 BD-J Techdemo)

Nuclear Bit has updated his “Flight Demo”. This version has added distance fog, which gives it another spice up. Just download the .rar posted in the first posting

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DSCube (Neoflash Edition) (NDS Game)

This is a 3D version of Rubik’s Cube for the Nintendo DS. Sidenote: You need to be logged into the NeoFlash webboard to download the file, unfortunatly this requires registration

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DSBash (NDS Application)

With DSBash you can browse trough chat-quote-archives. Sidenote: You need to be logged into the NeoFlash webboard to download the file, unfortunatly this requires registration

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ManyChessDS v1.0 (Beta) (NDS Game)

Sephiroth_FF7 has updated his Chess game “ManyChess”. Sephiroth_FF7’s aim is to make it a Chess game with many different types of chess rules

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GBAtemp NDS Homebrew Bounty (NDS misc)

GBAtemp are proud to announce the creation of a Monthly Homebrew Bounty, a bounty (fund-raising using donations from organizations and people) that will reward, each month, the author of the best homebrew. For now, this only goes for Nintendo DS homebrew

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Homebrewcast Episode 2 (misc)

Imagine someone giving you an audio blogcast talking about homebrew releases – your wish has become true! Homebrewcast is just doing this! Episode 2 has the following topics: – GBAtemp’s Homebrew Bounty – Piece of shit prize package – ComicBookDS site back online! – DSTwitter v1.2 – FewChessDS 0.5 – Castle Wars 0.9 – AmplituDS 4.0 – FingerManiaDS

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PocketCAS v1.0.1 (PPC Application)

PocketCAS is a free interface to the open-source Computer Algebra System giac/xcas. xcas enables you to quickly solve complex algebraic problems, e.g. symbolic and numeric integration and derivation of non-trivial functions, solving differential equations etc. It has also a huge support for problems of linear algebra, like solving linear equation systems, multiplying and inverting matrices, finding eigenvalues (and eigenvectors, of [&hellip

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3D AltTab v0.3 (PPC Application)

This program brings you a 3D cube which will be used to switch/rotate between running programs

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Super Methane Brothers PSP v1.4.8 (PSP Game Port)

Puff and Blow each have a Methane Gas Gun which fires a cloud of immobilising gas. If this comes into contact with a bad guy he will be absorbed into the gas and then float around the screen for a limited time. Bad guys are harmless in this state. Puff and Blow must suck the floating gas clouds into their [&hellip

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