This tool is useful for determining the status of the network and various foreign hosts, tracking and isolating hardware and software problems, and testing, measuring, and managing networks. Want to stay online while you chatting, downloading etc. without your phone going in power safe mode, which will disconnect your network? No problem, just hit Follow key and you are set [&hellip
Bushing from Hackmii has started to hack the NDSi, check out the wiki! Thanks to for the news
Boomshine2x is a relaxing game where the aim is to cause a chain reaction of explosions to complete each level. Changes: I have released Boomshine2x 1.1 for the GP2x. The new version features improved graphics by Ruckage, a near complete re-write of the games code and various bits and bobs like the ability for F200/Wiz users to sign their name [&hellip
Easy to use Usenet Client for Windows mobile. Download directly from Usenet to your mobile device
DS Visual Novel Reader is a visual novel reader for Nintendo DS. Changes: Global vars were reset when loading a save file. Changing the skin via config.ini didn’t work. Date wasn’t saved properly in save files. Missing resources no longer generate warning messages. Fast reading by holding Y is now a lot faster. Background fades more intelligent (fade to black [&hellip
Help Miku playing her music instrument!
Retrogaming Times Monthly #56 is available. RTM is a retro magazine, sometimes with focus on homebrew things. Content of this issue: 01. Attract Mode 02. Old Wine in New Bottles #12 03. RTM Idiocy 03. Apple II Incider – Donkey Kong and Pac Man 04. The ZX81 05. Game Over
S60 client for wordpress written in Python for Nokia mobile phones, helping you to manage your blog while saving time and bandwidth. Common blog operations, like posting, approve comment, post delete, comments visualization, for instance, are possible using Wordmobi
johnnywc updated his game Conquest of Mars. Changes: – delay between shots has been reduced so you can fire quicker – fuel consumption is slower – visual cues have been added to the laser gates level to show you where the 3 laser gates appear
The idea is this: Using Tetris-like blocks, fill in a square. To move the pieces around, use the joystick and to place one, use fire. To start over again, press the reset switch. Release notes: New version with title screen and timer that goes up to 60 minutes. Also added you can’t place the pieces on top of other ones. [&hellip