Nova wrote an article about 10 GP32 games you may have missed, but which were underrated in the community
A utility to analyse the play history on the Wii (shown under Today’s Accomplishments on the Wii Message Board). Show such stats for each game/channel, including total time played, total number of times played, average time played, first and last time played. Changes: Fixed bug that caused the program to sometimes skip a few play logs and could on rare [&hellip
SG57 comes up with a preview of his 3D Tron game “Light Cycle 3D&#
Pickle ( ) is heavily busy, porting a bunch of games to the Pandora. Linked below is a work of progress video of Wolf4SDL, an engine allowing you to play the (in germany still indexed) ego shooter Wolfenstein 3D. Source:
Pickle ( ) is heavily busy, porting a bunch of games to the Pandora. Linked below is a work of progress video of PrDoom, an engine allowing you to play the famous ego shooter Doom. Source:
Pickle ( ) is heavily busy, porting a bunch of games to the Pandora. Linked below is a work of progress video of CloneKeen, an engine allowing you to play Commander Keen. Source:
Pickle ( ) is heavily busy, porting a bunch of games to the Pandora. Linked below is a work of progress video of Decent 2. Source:
Pickle ( ) is heavily busy, porting a bunch of games to the Pandora. Linked below is a work of progress video of Decent 1. Source:
Pickle ( ) is heavily busy, porting a bunch of games to the Pandora. Linked below is a work of progress video of Supertux 2. Source:
Pickle ( ) is heavily busy, porting a bunch of games to the Pandora. Linked below is a work of progress video of Supertux 1. Source: