An accident at the biochemical lab has released a neurotoxin, and you’ve been quarantined after exposure. Maintain your sanity by playing a card-matching game. The table is littered with 10, 20, 36, 52, or 72 face-down cards. Flip two cards, and if they show the same emblem, you keep them. If they don’t, flip them back
Led Blur is a port of the GP32 demo “Led Blur” by Optimus / Mindlapse to Dingux
Control a red ball to collect blue balls, but don’t touch the white ones. The tricky part with the game is, that the red ball will be growing each stage and making your main task more difficult
Super Mario Galaxy DS is a “Super Mario Galaxy” fan game remake for Nintendo
The game’s name is Deepsea. You control a jellyfish with the stylus and guide the jelly through a randomly-generated world, fighting enemies by colliding with them. The current area is fairly small (5×5) and will probably be the world size on Easy mode. There’ll be enemies and bosses and other gameplay elements added in later
Keep the Cactus save from being touched by blocks!
DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn and other contributors. It is a GPL Open Source project. Changes: [!] Huge clean up in our prefs, now we don’t need to make game specific hacks as “options” or rely on roms.ini(We can add hacks as easy as two clicks now) [!] Removed memory access optimization -still [&hellip
Offline database for IATA / ICAO airport, airline, aircraft and delay codes and general aviation abbreviations
Also known as YouTube for eBooks, Wattpad is the world’s most popular ebook community. Readers and writers from around the world can connect and access over 100,000 free novels, fiction, short stories, poetry and more
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