EvilDragon of the Pandora development team released a beta version of their fifth Hotfix pack for the Pandora. Quote: HotFix 5 is finally nearing completion. It’s pretty stable already, so we got out of the Beta-Status and into RC 1. It’s not the final one yet and might have some bugs left, but it should run mostly without issues. The [&hellip
Bennu is a high level open source game development suite which focuses on modularity and portability, making it a perfect choice for cross-platform game development. Although officialy it is only supported on Windows, Linux and GP2X Wiz (on the right), Bennu can run on multiple other platforms, including *BSD, MacOSX and other consoles such as the Wii, Dingoo A320, GP2X, [&hellip
Rikku2000 ported OnScripter to the Caanoo. ONScripter is an opensource cross-platform clone of the NScripter Visual Novel engine. The original ONScripter was written by Opagee the fork that supports the English language is maintained by Haeleth
Free open-source disk encryption software
A simple space shooter game. Try to complete all the stages with four enemies and increasing difficulty. This app needs WizardStan’s Java PND or download Java from the Angström repository
Simple Sudoku game with random generated puzzles and varying degrees of difficulty with a few special features to spice it up. This app needs WizardStan’s Java PND or download Java from the Angström repository
DrawSWF is a simple drawing program written in Java2. You can save your drawings as animated flash file. This app needs WizardStan’s Java PND or download Java from the Angström repository
Anagramarama – a FREE word game for Linux, Windows and BeOS. The aim is to find as many words as possible in the time available. Get the longest word and you’ll advance to the next level. You must use SiENcE’s virtual mouse driver to select letters!
And here is another game from 16BitSoft: TetriCrisis 3 100% C.P.U. It”s a Tetris game with
LettersFall 3 is another game by 16BitSoft. Form words before they fill the screen