Sheep Invasion is a game by Rabenauge where you have to prevent an horrible invasion/attack of aggressive sheeps. Get your bullets now! SheepInvasion Watch this video on YouTube
The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK. Content: We get the story of the movie licensing kings Ocean Software from former director Gary Bracey. How they landed the big film license, the highs and lows, and games like Robocop, Platoon and Batman The Movie. https://soundcloud.com/the-retro-hour/guru-larry-talks-classic-gaming-tv-and-fact-hunting-the-retro-hour-ep
Visual Controller Test by Mr. Reaper is a button pressing application for Wii. Release notes: 0.9 = Added in everything but the kitchen sink (but if I had a kitchen sink wii attachment for Cooking Mama, I’d add that too). You should be able to test just about everything now, on any port, including the tap bar on some guitars [&hellip
nop90 does a great service to the Nintendo 3DS community by releasing a greatly improved port of libSDL. This should raise the library of Nintendo 3DS homebrew games really fast! Changes: – reduced video thread priority to avoid conflicts with ctulib threads, mainly the NDSP handler one – fixed a crash callingSDL_SetVideoMode a secont time, caused by not releasing the [&hellip
The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK. Content: We get the story of the movie licencing kings Ocean Software from former director Gary Bracey. How they landed the big film licences, the highs and lows, and games like Robocop, Platoon and Batman The Movie. https://soundcloud.com/the-retro-hour/ocean-software-the-inside-story-with-gary-bracey-the-retro-hour-ep

Hermes can be now pre-ordered from DragonBox Shop! If you like Jump’n Run games and the Dreamcast, this game might be for you. Hermes – Run à la carte | by Retroguru (Official Trailer) Watch this video on YouTube
The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK. Content: On the weekend of PLAY Expo Blackpool, we’re joined by the man behind the UK’s biggest retro gaming events and retailer Console Passion, Andy Brown! https://soundcloud.com/the-retro-hour/andy-brown-of-play-expo-joins-us-the-retro-hour-ep

Bored? Need something to read? Maybe even free? What about the latest REV’n’GE? Issue #76 is out!
ctrmus is a music player for the Nintendo 3DS. For now it plays PCM WAV, AIFF, FLAC, Opus and MP3 files. Due to limitations in ctrulib, only ASCII characters are displayed correctly. Other characters will appear garbled, but functionality is not affected. Changes: * Add OGG Vorbis file support. * Update Opus and mpg123 libraries to their latest version. * [&hellip
The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK. Content: We get the full story of ‘the worst video game ever’, E.T on the Atari 2600 in the second part of our interview with the legendary Howard Scott Warshaw! https://soundcloud.com/the-retro-hour/et-on-atari-2600-the-story-of-the-worst-video-game-ever-the-retro-hour-ep