Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 is a non public 8-bit demake of Mortal Kombat 3 for the Game Boy Color by PSC. This project is in private beta since ages, but it still comes along. The project is non commercial and non profit. Quote from Twitter: If you guys would like to play a version of the beta with more characters [&hellip

Mikael Tillander got the first draft of box art for his upcoming Genesis / Mega Drive game Tänzer. Quote: Finally got the cover art, made by Fergi Susetiyo. Playing around with box layouts for the game. It’s a first deraft, at least. 🙂 #megadrive #genesis #tänzer #gamedev
Guy Perfect is working on Planet Virtual Boy, which is a Virtual Boy emulator for the Nintendo 3DS. There is no release yet, but you can donate some money already so he can pay his bills
NXEngine has been ported to Nintendo Switch by carstene1ns and is a reimplementation of the original Cave Story / Doukutsu Monogatari game engine, using its data files. The game itself is a pretty famous side-scrolling platformer from 2004. This release has nothing to do with Cave Story+ (published by Nicalis and being an actual, official Switch game). Thanks to Nintendomax [&hellip

Pilot8 is a simple shooter game for PICO-8 by btco