iMap Mobile (TM) delivers weather information to the phone at the moment it is relevant. When traveling, iMap Mobile TM) shows high-quality radar images and lightning strike data on the Android map interface and updates it as you move. iMap Mobileâ„¢ allows you to see the current weather conditions, and detailed and extended weather forecasts for your current location. iMap Mobile (TM) sends you a notification when your phone enters an active severe weather watch or warning area and cancels the notification when you leave the area or the event expires. You can monitor the same weather information for multiple locations.

iMap Mobile (TM) displays high-resolution radar images and the locations of the most recent lightning strikes on the Android Map interface and allows you to pan, zoom, and loop the images. Touching the lightning icon displays the location and the time of the strike.

iMap Mobile (TM) customizes weather information for your present location using Android’s Location services. This includes: the opening screen, where current conditions for your location are displayed; a map interface that displays and updates radar images and lightning strike locations as you travel; and location aware long-range and detailed forecasts.

iMap Mobile (TM) checks for severe weather watches and warnings, sending a notification through the Android notification systems when the phone moves into an active watch or warning area. You can pull down the notification window-shade and click to see the details for the event.

Author: Weathertop Consulting, LLC
Additional Contributors: Roland Schweitzer, Weather Decision Technologies, Inc. (WDT)