BassAceGold updated his replacement Supercard DSTwo plugin menu “BAGPlug”. It’s really only of use for DSTwo owners, others can ignore this plugin!

Release notes:

-fixed freezing in favorites when scrolling
-fixed audio skipping when entering directories with lots of files
-fixed memory corruption in DSTwo.nds breaking arg support for .plg files. Should be more robust for various sd cards/formats now
-improved memory management for icons
-fixed stylus input in open with menu
-fixed memory leaks in graphics loading/cloning functions of core library – cleaning up nds icon handling and no file icon corruption
-fixed icon transparecy support
-improved open with handling in favorites menu
-improved performance in favorites menu with game covers
-improved performance in scrolling nds files in browser
-covers for non-commercial nds files require the file extension in the cover name. eg: game.nes / game.nes.png
-improved minimizing from media player to current menu
-fixed freezing when deleting favorites
-fixed crashing when entering EOS Settings
-improved scroll bar handling
-optimized nds icon loading
-optimized directory scanning
-added option to enable nds icon transparency
-improved handling of text lists (favorites, hidden files / folders)
-favorites.txt, hiddenfiles.txt, hiddenfolders.txt, and settings.ini now go in /bagui/user files/ folder
-nzip support added with built in nzip manager for deleting unzipped games
-nzip cpu speed option added to settings
-optimized top screen refreshing in main browser
-misc bug fixes

-NitroZip tool included
-added “NZIP” section to readme
-modified the “Adding new file support” section to include information on file specific arg files in readme
-updated “Game Covers” section in readme

*upgrade notes*
-New skin parts: delete, exit, nzip, selectall -see BAGplug 3.0 or Default skin for examples
-more text added to language.ini
-favorites.txt, hiddenfiles.txt, hiddenfolders.txt, settings.ini, unzipped.txt all go in /_bagui/user files/
-nzip.arg added to /_bagui/ext/ folder

Thanks to for the news.