If you live in the Washington DC metro area, and you like good beer, you need to know what is currently on draft at your local Dogfish Head Alehouse! This app can help you.
The Dogfish Head Alehouses are licensees of the Dogfish Head brewery in Delaware. There are Dogfish Head Alehouses in Gaithersburg, MD, and Falls Church, VA.
This simple application will retrieve the photograph of the chalkboards that are stored on the restaurant’s web site, and display them on your iPhone/iPod Touch. You can switch between the two alehouses with the press of a button.
Each time the application runs, it pulls the current image off of the web site. So how up to date is it? It’s not live, but it’s pretty darn accurate.
Sidenote: At the point of posting this program has been marked as beeing freely available without costs. As this program is hosted with the AppStore the status might change. Authors like to publish their programs for free for promotion purpose and then make it commercial. Also it could happen that the author decides to take the program down.