Launched in 2005, Charlottesville Tomorrow’s mission is to inform and engage the public by providing clear, non-partisan information and research on land use, transportation, and community design issues with the confidence an informed public will make decisions that will protect and build upon the distinctive character of the Charlottesville-Albemarle area.
Charlottesville Tomorrow focuses on four major activities:
1) information sharing to build community knowledge;
2) local election coverage;
3) research on quality of life issues; and
4) community engagement—ensuring the public knows when and how to get involved in community decisions.
Utilizing e-mail alerts, online news summaries, and audio podcasts, Charlottesville Tomorrow is the trusted source of in-depth coverage of growth and development issues before local government.
This RSS reader was created at the Charlottesville, VA iPhone Developers Unconference 2008 that took place on Dec. 06, 2008. The event was put together by WillowTree Consulting Group, Inc. and was a gathering of local and some national folks that is interested in learning about and sharing knowledge of the iPhone SDK.
Sidenote: At the time of posting this program has been marked as beeing freely available without any costs. As this program is hosted with the AppStore the status might change. Authors like to publish their programs for free and / or for promotion purpose and then start charging.