gpSPhone is a GBA emulator based ZodTTD’s port of gpSP to the GP2X. gpSP is a great GBA emulator written by the talented Exophase. ZodTTD ported it to the GP2X, and added an (iPhone/iTouch compatible) dynarec. By using this coding technique, fullspeed performance of GBA is obtained on the iPhone/iTouch.

Release notes:

A lot of users found v0.1.5 to be slower than previous releases. I have fixed this performance related bug, as well as try my best to improve sound quality. I have also fixed a performance related bug related to autoframeskip, and a bug has been fixed related to crashes when clicking ROMs list when sound is muted.

This is a highly recommended upgrade and will appear on shortly. It should improve performance, stability, and sound considerably for many users.

In the meantime, please follow the link below to download…

Direct link:

Also, I am currently working on a landscape/widescreen mode as well as a better handling of diagonals for the dpad. That will have to wait til next release. 🙂


– Performance increase from fixing dynarec memory allocation
– Performance increase from fixing autoframeskip initialisation
– Sound quality improved
– Muting works properly, no longer crashes when exiting to ROMs list