ZodTTD has updated gpSPhone, a Gameboy Advance emulator, for iPhone. Version 1.7.0 has been released to the beta testers, expect a public release soon.


For those who have joined, or are joining the Beta Testers Club here at ZodTTD.com, you will be treated to a surprise today! A new beta of gpSPhone has been released.

Here’s whats new in gpSPhone v1.7.0 beta:
– Properly syncs sound to gameplay. Sound quality is greatly improved in this version. Now uses proper use of signaling conditions in threads to sync sound.
– Performance increased due to using new compiler from the developer saurik, and assorted bug fixes.
– Thanks to NerveGas of NES.app, bug fixes were submitted and used to properly handle GUI aspects such as the navbar now being at the top. 😉

Keep in mind the following additional instructions after installing:
– Set your (replace mobile with root if using firmware 1.1.2 or earlier) /var/mobile/Media/ROMs/GBA directory to have world writable permissions, such as 777. Otherwise you wont be able to save!
– Make sure you have the proper GBA BIOS file gba_bios.bin inside /Applications/gpSPhone.app/ otherwise you will get an error when loading a game!

Thanks to Exophase for making gpSP, which gpSPhone is a port of. And also http://www.theiphoneproject.org for hosting.
