After letting us sit in the dark without proper information, ZodTTD has uncovered his “mysterious project”.

Here is the quote:

Hi everyone. I just finished my initial build of my “mystery project”. It is now being tested by those in the Beta Testers Club as it has now been put on the beta repo.

So what is this mystery project you ask? Well to some, it was of little to no mystery. I’m a big fan of OpenTTD (Transport Tycoon Deluxe) made by the great team at

I have successfully ported OpenTTD v0.6.0 Beta 2 to the iPhone and iPod Touch and it runs great! The only thing missing is network play and sound+music. Sound and music will be attempted for v1.0.0.

I am giving this project the name “”. will bring the fun of the tycoon simulation genre to the iPhone and iTouch and will be made public shortly. 🙂

Thank you for your continued support of my projects!