ZODTTD has updated his private beta of PSX4iPhone. It’s a Playstation 1 emulator for iPhones.
Release notes:
A new version has now been released of the private psx4iphone beta to Beta Tester Club members. Here’s what’s new in v0.0.8…
v0.0.8 –
– Changed the PSX CYCLE to 4.0 for a balance of performance and compatibility.
– Improved the dynarec code (better optimising for the MIPS zero register). Better performance.
– Changed default settings to mute sound and turn interlacing off.
– Included new icons and controller design by those at ipodtouchfans.com. Thanks everyone!
– Fixed memory card in-game saves. Better testing needed to confirm though.I’m trying to improve performance and polish up some things for a public release. Things are shaping up well! 🙂