Tilt the iPhone/iPod touch or swipe over the display to steer your snake and keep him out of trouble!
Are you fast enough to survive?
Once upon a time, almost every computer came with one game, and now here it is for iPhone/iPod touch. Move your snake around the field eating snacks while avoiding the evil red snake. If your snake touches the evil snake, the wall or his own tail, it dies.
The evil snake will always head towards the snacks. Move your snake to try to get the snacks first. Score 100 points for eating the snacks, but lost 100 points every time the evil snake eats first. If your snake surrounds the evil snake, the evil snake will die. Killing the evil snake scores 1000 points.
Sidenote: At the point of posting this program has been marked as beeing freely available without costs. As this program is hosted with the AppStore the status might change. Authors like to publish their programs for free for promotion purpose and then make it commercial. Also it could happen that the author decides to take the program down.