The Gizzle Wap and The Strange Red Tree is a game for Atari VCS by Mountain King.
Deep in the JThainian forest, in the clearing where the Zazzle Flies play a Strange Red Tree took root over night. It made an unsettling hum and gave off a noxious odor poisoning many of the flies. Camy, the strongest of his brood sought help from the defender of the woods, a small bouncing creature known as the Gizzle Wap. He would know what to do.
The Gizzle Waps solution was simple: Remove the Strange Red Tree. But there was another problem. Coinciding with the appearance of the red tree came the Myrmica a race of mindless insects that feed upon the inhabitants of the forest. Even worse the Myrmica never come alone. They serve the Invicta. Unlike the Myrmica, the Invicta are cunning and tenacious. They will not be satisfied until they control the entire forest or see its destruction. The tree is most certainly their machination.
The plan to remove the tree and defeat the Invicta was not as simple. The only creatures strong enough to pull the tree out of the ground are the Pegsi. The Gizzle Wap would attract the Pegsi to the clearing with cloud fruit and convince them to remove the Red Tree. Once the tree has been removed, the Invctas magic will be weakened and their lair should be revealed. The final step will be to confront the Invicta.
1. Really fixed the green score this time, it turns green when it is supposed to.
2. Fixed the eating bug. Now your health goes up when you eat the fruit. No delay no matter when you have your meal.
3. You no longer can eat a fruit unless you show visible damage about 32 points
4. Your health bar and fruit count flash red when you take damage.
5. When the left difficulty is set to “B” you can carry 4 cloud fruit. When it is set to “A” you can only carry 3.
6. When the right difficulty is set to “B” the tree’s poison does not affect you. When it is set to “A” you will take damage slowly over time.
7. The Gizzle Wap’s bouncing sound is timed better to how he moves. The tap sound is on the down animation.
8. Added an opening animation after the titlescreen and the music plays.