Category: Pocket PC
camro updated his application SchedHandler, previously known as MailHandler. The program is based upon ImapPusher.
.) Scheduler for:
Scanning for:
-> network connection scanner (check the connection and if not valid reconnect again)
-> anti power suspend (sending power heartbeat every X-seconds, and so not going to suspend mode)
-> imap idle scanning for new emails
-> wheel time scanning (after X-seconds execute…)
–> + extra option for
—- checking if File Exist
—- checking if File Not Exist
—- checking if Application Running
—- checking if Application Not Running
Timeplans when Scanning events are valid
Execution if Scanning is valid:
-> Polling Emails (Pocket Outlook Mailboxes)
-> Kill Tasks
-> Play Sounds (all windows media supported files)
-> Switch Radio, GPRS, Wlan, Bluetooth via ON/OFF/Toggle
it supports:
+ multiple email profiles
+ multiple email FOLDERS
+ multiple scheduler profiles
+ multiple time plans
+ checking email via “Imap Idle” and/or via “Polling”
+ imap(143) and imaps(993) ssl
+ Polling in free defined time interval
+ Multiple Time Scheduling for:
+> switching on/off/toogle (RADIO, GPRS WLAN, BLUETOOTH)
+ added a new version “CLEAN”, which have no trace loggin inside (SOUND LOGGING is ON)
+ changed names of tracing to Logging or Log – it is more logical for users
+ change the whole NETWORK checker – a complete simple way – only make a Internet connection and use the best posibliliy line (like the same as wm does)
+ socket read end handling – maybe this makles the bug.
Easily boot into both WM or Android with Gen.Y DualBOOT.
This release is made for VGA devices, and supports booting Android both from Internal Storage (moviNAND, e.g. Touch Diamond) & Storage Card (SDMemory, e.g. Touch Pro). WVGA version and QVGA version is also ready. This app has been tested on WM6.1, but will work perfectly on WM6.5.x as well.
Keep in mind that your android setup must be installed already at the root of your storage card in order for this app to work correctly (e.g. Internal Storageharet.exe or Storage Cardharet.exe respectively).
camro updated his application SchedHandler, previously known as MailHandler. The program is based upon ImapPusher.
.) Scheduler for:
Scanning for:
-> network connection scanner (check the connection and if not valid reconnect again)
-> anti power suspend (sending power heartbeat every X-seconds, and so not going to suspend mode)
-> imap idle scanning for new emails
-> wheel time scanning (after X-seconds execute…)
–> + extra option for
—- checking if File Exist
—- checking if File Not Exist
—- checking if Application Running
—- checking if Application Not Running
Timeplans when Scanning events are valid
Execution if Scanning is valid:
-> Polling Emails (Pocket Outlook Mailboxes)
-> Kill Tasks
-> Play Sounds (all windows media supported files)
-> Switch Radio, GPRS, Wlan, Bluetooth via ON/OFF/Toggle
it supports:
+ multiple email profiles
+ multiple email FOLDERS
+ multiple scheduler profiles
+ multiple time plans
+ checking email via “Imap Idle” and/or via “Polling”
+ imap(143) and imaps(993) ssl
+ Polling in free defined time interval
+ Multiple Time Scheduling for:
+> switching on/off/toogle (RADIO, GPRS WLAN, BLUETOOTH)
+ complete cleanup of my code – removed a lot of unneeded function, better dim of vars, etc 15% less mem + code…
+ some extra debug options for NETWORK checker
+ fixed HTTP requst checking for NETWORK checker
+ activating of all buttons + all SWITCHES in EXECUTE list(some of them were disable to select)
+ default values rewritten + error handling for older config files.
+ added new “COPY” function to Context menues (so you can “COPY” a scheduler profile or IMAP IDLE Mailbox easily)
! this function COPY is only on contect menues !
+ added a demo config file, which you can copy manually to Aplication DataScheduler
XTask is a task manager for Windows Mobile PDA phone. It does, not only the most wanted job of cleaning system RAM by closing unused tasks, but with many more features. For example, it can correct the overlay problem of the WM6.5.x buttom bar for any programs such as Resco Explorer, also automaticlly set button-X to Close instead of minimizing a window.
* Rotate screen orientation.
* Automatic fix the buttom tool bar overlay in WM6.5.x.
* Automatic change X-botton to close.
* Automatic terminate ActiveSync.
* manage files with XTask.
* Access the control panel items.
* Place icon, or show freeRAM on the title bar.
* Hold the XTask icon and drag on the screen to perform quick function.
* fully customisable XTask function items, program tools bar for fix under WM6.5.x, icon position on the title bar, etc.
* Create shotcut buttons in start menu for Restart, Toggle Wifi or bluetooth, screen-off, etc.
camro updated his application SchedHandler, previously known as MailHandler. The program is based upon ImapPusher.
.) Scheduler for:
Scanning for:
-> network connection scanner (check the connection and if not valid reconnect again)
-> anti power suspend (sending power heartbeat every X-seconds, and so not going to suspend mode)
-> imap idle scanning for new emails
-> wheel time scanning (after X-seconds execute…)
–> + extra option for
—- checking if File Exist
—- checking if File Not Exist
—- checking if Application Running
—- checking if Application Not Running
Timeplans when Scanning events are valid
Execution if Scanning is valid:
-> Polling Emails (Pocket Outlook Mailboxes)
-> Kill Tasks
-> Play Sounds (all windows media supported files)
-> Switch Radio, GPRS, Wlan, Bluetooth via ON/OFF/Toggle
it supports:
+ multiple email profiles
+ multiple email FOLDERS
+ multiple scheduler profiles
+ multiple time plans
+ checking email via “Imap Idle” and/or via “Polling”
+ imap(143) and imaps(993) ssl
+ Polling in free defined time interval
+ Multiple Time Scheduling for:
+> switching on/off/toogle (RADIO, GPRS WLAN, BLUETOOTH)
+ better handling and stop checking socket, if connection is not up.
+ add another methd to hadle the NETWORK connection (if broken, if broken activesync if broken wlan, etc.. + more debug option)
+ add 5 LEVELs reset /close/restart , which will be handled automatically
+ Testing -> is now DevSwitcher
(now all systems are included) BT switcher have to find out which one is the best or how to handle both methods, so i added extra log option , to see, which one is working.
+ add Bluetooth Alternative ON/OFF/Toggle to execute plan.
+ add polling error checking -> now it would 5-times poll, if an error happens on send/receive EMAIL on Pocket outlook
S2U2 (Slide2Unlock2) is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don’t use your device. It has a CallerID function (but some devices may not work, so please try it first); S2P control plugin; and volume control.
– added option to replace the WM6.5 system manual lock (S2U2 Settings > Advanced).
i.e. press the system start icon/button, then press lock will start S2U2;
suggest to soft-reset after upgraded to this version; if it does not work, please refer to the FAQs.
– added option to change the position of the slider, either left or center (S2U2 Settings > Appearance).
new tags (s_S2DDismiss, s_S2DCancel, s_S2DView & s_CS2UText) added to lang.ini for the texts shown around the slider.
– added option to mirror the sliding text when the slider is on the center (S2U2 Settings > Appearance).
– added option to show “slide to dismiss/cancel” when the SMS/Email/Alarm/Reminder/Missed call is shown (S2U2 Settings > General).
– added option to show today’s past appointments in italic font (S2U2 Settings > Appointment).
– added support for TouchFLO Music player; play TouchFLO Music in screen off and locked.
– added command switch -unlock for iLock2 to unlock S2U2.
– improved the CallerID compatibility on some non-English devices (again).
– fixed the BACK key not worked on some devices with the DPAD option turned on (S2U2 Settings > Others).
– a few minor bugs fixed.
camro updated his application SchedHandler, previously known as MailHandler. The program is based upon ImapPusher.
.) Scheduler for:
Scanning for:
-> network connection scanner (check the connection and if not valid reconnect again)
-> anti power suspend (sending power heartbeat every X-seconds, and so not going to suspend mode)
-> imap idle scanning for new emails
-> wheel time scanning (after X-seconds execute…)
–> + extra option for
—- checking if File Exist
—- checking if File Not Exist
—- checking if Application Running
—- checking if Application Not Running
Timeplans when Scanning events are valid
Execution if Scanning is valid:
-> Polling Emails (Pocket Outlook Mailboxes)
-> Kill Tasks
-> Play Sounds (all windows media supported files)
-> Switch Radio, GPRS, Wlan, Bluetooth via ON/OFF/Toggle
it supports:
+ multiple email profiles
+ multiple email FOLDERS
+ multiple scheduler profiles
+ multiple time plans
+ checking email via “Imap Idle” and/or via “Polling”
+ imap(143) and imaps(993) ssl
+ Polling in free defined time interval
+ Multiple Time Scheduling for:
+> switching on/off/toogle (RADIO, GPRS WLAN, BLUETOOTH)
+ some small graphic fixes
+ fix on high CPU if NETWORK checker can’t find a valid connection and try all the time again to use WM connmgr.dll
+ added new option for NETWORK checker
– > Impossible Connection handling:
– > recheck time (default 30)
– > Reset Network (default disabled)
– > Restart Network (default disabled)
+ HOT !!!!! added test for BT/Radio/Wlan switching ON/OF/TOGGLE – see on “testing” register card – please test if it works, then i can implement to EXECUTE PLAN
additinally – test both systems of Bluetooth – for me all are working – maybe some users which make another expirence
Taskbar Launcher is a little tool that shows a customizeable launch pad when you hit the taskbar.
Attention: Current version is designed for newer 6.5.x builds of Windows Mobile with the start menu on bottom. Taskbar Launcher is blocking all other applications from the taskbar, so it might be a bad idea to use it when your Start menu is still on top.
* Added support for all resolutions
* Added support for landscape mode
* With a finger gesture over the taskbar the device rotates in the specified direction (you can slide left to right, or right to left)
* The ugly “Close” button is gone. The launcher can be closed by just hitting the taskbar again
* A parameter can be setup for each command
* Added few more commands because I thought they’re fun
Taskbar Launcher is a little tool that shows a customizeable launch pad when you hit the taskbar.
Attention: Current version is designed for newer 6.5.x builds of Windows Mobile with the start menu on bottom. Taskbar Launcher is blocking all other applications from the taskbar, so it might be a bad idea to use it when your Start menu is still on top.
This is a lightweight application which downloads flight data from BAA’s websites. Arrival and Departure information is available for the following UK airports: London Heathrow, London Gatwick, London Stanstead, Southampton, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow.
Added: Icon, thanks to
Added: IATA codes to list
Fix: Cancelling airport selection does not cause download
Fix: Does not load Stansted at initial startup
Internal refactor: Support for non-BAA airports (not yet coded)
Side-effect: Unsorted airports due to missing comparer interface