Category: Playstation 3
VICE v2.1 (C64 emu for PS3 Linux)

An emulator for a variety of Commodore 8bit machines, including the C16, C64, C128, VIC-20, PET (all models, except SuperPET 9000), Plus-4, CBM-II (aka C610)

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QMC2 (01-02-2009) (PS3 Linux misc)

QMC2 is a Qt4 based UNIX MAME frontend supporting SDLMAME.

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Mednafen (09-11-2008) (Multiple emus for PS3 Linux)

A portable command-line driven, multi-system emulator which uses OpenGL and SDL. It emulates the following: * Atari Lynx * Famicom * GameBoy (Color) * GameBoy Advance * Neo Geo Pocket (Color) * NES (NTSC & PAL) * PC Engine * TurboGrafx 16 (CD) * SuperGrafx * PC-FX Mednafen has the ability to remap hotkey functions and virtual system inputs to a keyboard, a joystick or both simultaneously. Save states are supported, as is real-time game rewinding. Screen snapshots may be taken at the press of a button and are saved in the popular PNG file format. To play Atari Lynx games you will also need lynxboot.img which is not included for legal reasons.

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GnGeo (24-02-2009) (NeoGeo emu for PS3 Linux)

GnGeo is a NeoGeo emulator for Linux.

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E-UAE v0.8.29 (Amiga emu for PS3 Linux)

E-UAE is an Amiga Emulator based on UAE which attempts to bring all the features of WinUAE to non Windows platforms. E-UAE includes almost complete emulation of the custom chips, including AGA, bsdsocket emulation, JIT compilation for X86 processors, emulation of the 68000 to the 68060 as well as the FPUs.

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DOSBox (26-08-2008) (DOS emu for PS3 Linux)

DOSBox is a DOS-emulator using SDL for easy portability to different platforms. DOSBox has already been ported to several different platforms, such as Windows, BeOS, Linux, Mac OS X… DOSBox emulates a 286/386 realmode CPU, Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS, a SoundBlaster card for excellent sound compatibility with older games… You can “re-live” the good old days with the help of DOSBox, it can run plenty of the old classics that don’t run on your new computer!

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SheepShaver (15-02-2009) (MAC OS runtime enviroment for PS3 Linux)

SheepShaver is a MacOS run-time environment that allows you to run classic MacOS applications. This means that both Linux and MacOS applications can run at the same time (usually in a window on the Linux desktop). If you are using a PowerPC-based system, applications will run at native speed (i.e. with no emulation involved). There is also a built-in PowerPC G4 emulator, without MMU support, for non-PowerPC systems. Available rebuild options : –without : mon –with : sdl

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Basilisk II (05-03-2009) (68k Mac emu for PS3 Linux)

Basilisk II is an Open Source 68k Macintosh emulator. That is, it enables you to run 68k MacOS software on you computer, even if you are using a different operating system. However, you still need a copy of MacOS and a Macintosh ROM image to use Basilisk II.

Thanks to for the news and the hint for the next few following ones.

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Yellow Dog Linux v6.1 (PS3 OS)

YDL (Yellow Dog Linux) v6.1 is now available to be downloaded. This free Linux distribution supports the Sony PS3 and distro’s like this are why homebrew isn’t really needed on a PS3 as you can use all of Linux’s versatile programs for most of your multimedia, Internet and gaming needs.

Thanks a lot to brakken / for the news.

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Powder (Build 108) (PS3 Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. Author of this piece of software is Jeff Lait, the PS3 port comes from Bill Blake.


The mouse will work again for the onscreen keyboard in SDL builds. (Ilya, Teun Peelen)
Description when wearing necro dress code spells servant right. (David Damerell, Andreas Bohm)
Vacuum correctly spelled in death message. (David Damerell)
“Click on your self to search” rather than Clicking. (Narius Varigor)
Starting as cultist will immediately tell you ><0|V|'s whim. (hotpoo) Loading a save game worshiping ><0|V| will likewise report the whim. Zapping a hostile wand of create monster will have a chance of the creature turning on you. (hotpoo) New boon from gods: hostile creatures surrounding you can be smitten. (Indirectly Ambvai) Earth hammers can be forged into artifact earth hammers with the proper setup. (David Damerell) Level up hitpoints and magic points are now 2d2+1 rather than 1d4+1, giving a tighter distribution and slight boost to the average. (Teun Peelen) Earth hammers have an encyclopedia entry. (David Damerell) When you can move in diagonals you can use the diagonals of the numberpad. (Andreas Bohm) There is now a SafeWalk mode which stops you from attacking when walking about. You can toggle this by pressing Ctrl when using the arrow keys or binding the Safe Walk command to a button in GBA mode. (Andreas Bohm) The delete key works the same as the backspace key, a useful feature on Macs whose keyboards lack a backspace. (Roger Bolton) Wishing for a level teleport no longer uses atoi() so hopefully works on gpsphone. (Roger Bolton) We now promote room flags to map flags when loading. This way loading the game on the final levels will not turn the levels into floor-diggable and hence suddenly create holes to short-circuit the levels. (Ambvai, debugged by Andreas Bohm) A case where you could achieve barbarian dress code despite not wearing armour is fixed. (Malte Helmert) You now gain piety for the barbarian and necro dress codes. (Malte Helmert) You can no longer move diagonally if both orthogonal directions are blocked by walls. Spells cast when you have the can dig intrinsic will no longer disintegrate earth elementals. (SparroHawc) Note: While the highscore is kept, save games are never preserved between versions. Please wait until your current character dies before upgrading.

Other release notes from Jeff:

Keeping with POWDER tradition, a long time between releases does not mean there was some huge secret code being worked on that took this long to get ready. It means I was busy with other stuff. That said, there are a good number of fixes in this version. Most important is likely the Safe Walk ability, derived from a patch by Andreas Bohm, which lets non-DS users the ability to avoid accidentally attacking kiwis when they go careening through the hallways. The intent is you can bind it to, say, [L], and then hold that when you want to move safely. If you want [L] to attack, you can change the global option. SDL users may use the ctrl key. Unless they are using vi-keys in which case I’m afraid they are out of luck for now. I can only hope those players believe that Safe Walk is for weaklings.

Official page:

Thanks to for the news.

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