Seleuco and Metalbrain updated their Spectrum emulator GP2xpectrum.


What’s new:
the big stuff added by Seleuco:
– Full tzx support. New tape code for tap and tzx formats.
– Added Tape sound emulation.
– “fast loading” option to disable speed emulation, tape sound, and contended mode while the game is loaded.
– “flash loading” option to flashload tape blocks when possible.
– “edge loading” option to accelerate game loaders dynamically.
– “Tape Auto Play/Stop” option to play/stop the tape automatically. Best for multilevel games.
– A yellow play label is shown on the screen while the tape is playing; if the label is green, the emulator has detected a loader
and is applying the “edge loader” algorithm.
– Auto “full screen off-on” when the tape is playing.
– Added a Tape browser to view/select tape blocks, play/stop the tape manually and to change the tape without resetting the speccy.
– Added the possibility to select the file to load from a zip file.
– Resized the program selection screen to allow longer file names and view the file extensions.
my humble contribution (Metalbrain):
– Added reset for +2A mode.
– Fixed a bug when loading .z80 files saved in +2A/+3 mode (the ROM wasn’t properly selected).
– To improve performance, the battery won’t get polled on F100 models when battery icon is inactive, and it gets polled less frequently when active.
– Replaced the text “ROM LIST” with “PROGRAM LIST”, and “+3 disc” with “+3 disk”.
– Updated documentation.
and the finishing touch by headoverheels:
– Compiled with profiling option.