Image provided by: JyCetCrazy Jack by JyCet has been updated and features 36 levels now! (Thanks to JyCet himself for the news) The changes in detail:
-compiled with GCC 3.4.1 (faster !!! but the game is already faster :))-compacted with B2Fxe v0.6a-pre-optimised 8bit palette-changed GAMMA function :)-saved game options-hiscore (saved)-added password menu-added 9 levels from Aquafish (thanks to him)-added 5 levels from me 🙂 (thanks to me ?)-added 12 levels from Jr2swiss (thanks to him)-added 2 game musics-added game over music (same as password page)-added more ladder animation-added more bar animation-added more hero apparition animation-added more evil apparition animation-added more exit door animation-added pseudo forground tiles (grass,ladder)-changed enemy sprite-changed Jack sprite-changed Jack control to break the brick (use A&B)-changed flower tile by grass animated tile-changed light tile by torch animated tile-fixed some enemy bug collision-fixed hero deplacement animation-fixed mod volume of Credit-fixed some little click noize at change of page-added french language (pas encore complet :()-started espagnol translation :/-started German translation too :/-new icon (by me :))-some little thing here and here … (I dont remember all thing I changed :))