hectorblanco has updated his shooter”Debian Vs Pimientos”. Here is the original changelog in spanish language:
El sonido ya es funcional, usando SDL_mixer Controles mejorados. Se puede disparar a la vez que mover la espiral Debian. (Gracias a Puck2099) La ventana de creditos puede ser parada en cualquier momento pulsando el bot??A’. Corregido un fallo que podia causar el cuelgue del juego al acabar una partida e intentar empezar una nueva. (Update) English changelog:
Sound now working. Using the SDL_mixer provided by theodbot. The control has been improved. Now you can shoot enemies while moving the spiral. Thanks to Puck2099 The credits screen can be closed pressin the ‘A’ button. Fixed a bug that could freeze the game (and the gp2x) after finishing a game, when you try to star a new one.