Rlyeh sent me a new WIP beta of his current emulator fsms32. Here is what Rlyeh says:

new WIP betawhatsnew quickly: fixed bugs, improved speed, gg support, gg stretching, frameskip 0 by default, gamma correction, updated rom database, imrpoved file selector, new menu system,etcsome known bugs:- mk3 model sounds buggy yet (fm music in japanese sms)- options that are disabled yet: snapshots, multiplayer&movies- gg strecthing 2:1.5 and 2:1.666 modes are slow yet // gg gamma correction is faulty- pcm sound is not working yet (sonic 1.gg at intro screen for example.. thx dj_syto) – some minor compatibility issues (shadow dancer)- some minor graphical glitches (space harrier, thx kojote)the most important thing its that the rendering code still being *unoptimized*, so stay tuned.. i guess i could slow down the 132 mhzs as soon as I optimize the gfxs 🙂