Dear PDRoms visitors,

this year there were many ups and downs in the homebrew scene, but as usual everything developed out in a nice way.

PDRoms never had more news since it exists (~1998, since 2002 with own domain) than this year, even the month of December 2007 brought again another record with over 520 news.

The kings of homebrew this year were definatly Playstation Portable, Nintendo DS and the GP2x. Also not bad in the race is the iPhone along with a still active Atari 2600 community, mainly the guys at Atariage, who excessivly use Batari’s “batariBASIC”, which is a BASIC like language, which compiles into an Atari 2600 binary.

A heavy drawback was noticeable for Gameboy Advance and GP32, along with some 8 bit systems, who always had low attention. People love to go with new trends it seems…

On behalf of the PDRoms staff, a happy new year and good luck for everyones upcomming projects. Let’s hope for even more releases in 2008! We really hope you enjoy this little service and will stay with us the upcomming year, support and helping hands are appreciated anytime.

Your PDRoms-Team
Kojote, celeth, kedo