MoonShell is a shell for the NintendoDS by Infantile Paralysiser. Changes:
Interchangeability concerning PassMe/FlashMe has been improved.When the cover cap was shut, PowerLED was blinked.WavePlugin was supported. (Only no compression LinerPCM.)SPCPlugin was speed-up.Various points of DPGPlugin and dpgenc were corrected.M3SD was supported and detected automatically.SCSD automatic detection routine has been improved.The file reading bug was corrected, and MODPlugin/GIFPlugin etc was corrected.The window memory was dynamically allocated. unused memory is liberated.When the still picture was displayed, it was possible to zoom and reduce with X/Y button. (65%~800%)When the music reproduction ends, power supply OFF can be done.Going up to 400% of the volumes other than movie can be done.The problem misjudged to CrashMe (DS Bricker) by the virus checker might be able to be evaded.