Dear visitors,

Once in a while there is a reason to be proud. Why so you may ask? During the month of July 2008 we have beaten the news record from January 2008. In total we served you with 640 news items, which makes an average of 20 news per day.

As some of you may have recognized “Kedo” is getting more active recently. He is warming up for his “takeover” as I (Kojote) will be on vacation for almost three months. I will be without internet most of the time and I hardly think that I have the nerves to use a 56k dial-up line combined with regular power outages. Anyway, Kedo will try his best to keep PDRoms running, while Celeth will try to improve and polish PDRoms codewise – a couple of new features can be expected.

Please give those both guys a helping hand and already a big thank you in advance from my side. I am sure it will be a though job to get a more or less decent rhythm.

Also a big thanks goes to YOU for visiting and reading the crap we write 😉

Have a nice day all!
Kojote & Team