FluBBa has updated his Green Beret(Arcade) emulator for the GBA. This is a single game emulator only and doesn’t come with the required rom, as it’s a commercial game.
soulphalanx has released another PSP-Lua game to the public. It’s called”Breakout Copy”. Release notes:
-TODO still some bugs with collision detection have field reset or have different levels better graphics (maybe)
Cidrick finished the second release of PicrossDS.
Version 0.2 is done There are now 50 puzzles to complete. I also added SRAM support so the game will keep track of your best times for puzzles, as well as keeping track of which puzzles you’ve completed. I also fixed that bug that was pointed out earlier. For the record, I added a check for a homebrew cartridge in the slot before saving, so if you download this via WMB it shouldn’t mess up any saves of a commercial GBA cart inserted in the DS, but I haven’t tested this. Please do this at your own risk

Image provided by: MiqualkeMiqualke has released an updated version of”Grid Challenge”. It was formerly known as”GridLock”. Thanks toDrunkenCodersfor the news.http://miqds.free.fr/modules/PDdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=0&lid=7

Image provided by: ThomThom has released”Retro Virus”to the public. It’s a puzzle game for the GBA featuring 80 levels!http://www.treesofgreen.co.uk/projects/retrovirus/http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.php?t=6865

Image provided by: YashamaruYashamaru has updated his Duck Hunt remake for the PSP. As it’s written in LUA it requires the Lua-Player for PSP. Changes:
30 levels are playable MODE A / MODE B / MODE C Ducks get faster with each level BUGFix–shots have a delay now – no more shooting all ammo at once Duck Falls 3x faster (AndrewMP requested) 4 more images added to clays flying animation (Thx XteticX) Added an options menu Exploding Ducks on/off in Options menu(Jer420 requested) Change Analog speed in Options menu (XteticX requested) Change Digital speed in Options menu (XteticX requested) Analog/Digital both work same time in game (XteticX requested) New Shotgun Sounds (Dan requested) Can shoot the dog when he laughs (everyone requested) Dog Shot FaceB (MADE BY MAIcrosoft) Pause in any GAME MODE (Dan requested) Select end game / back to menu (Dan requested)

Image provided by: DidouTetrigram is a puzzle game in which you have to make an image by placing, on a pattern, shapes (in restricted amount) similar to those that can be found in Tetris. Hence this game is a kind of tangram with differents basic shapes.http://www.playeradvance.org/index.php?showtopic=11761http://www.didougba.fr.st/

Image provided by: AnonymousTipsterAnonymousTipster has released RoboTORN3D to the public. It seems to be a kind of 3D shooting game.http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=3391
Nexis, who is now known as PSmonkey has released another update to ngPsp, which is a Neo Geo Pocket emulator for the PSP. Thanks to PSmonkey himself for the news. Here are the release notes:
Sorry this build took so long. I actualy forgot to finish it off when I had issues with getting irda to work. I desided to just go ahead and release this build as there are a few who wish to have it. Yet there is a few issues with this build.
First Samurai Shodown 2&Last blade have some serious issues with the emulator. I have no ideawhat broke still but both games will lock up for a few mins durring a battle then resume but yet keep repeating this every so often. Someone told me Sonic was not working in the last build but seem to be fine in this build (I played till the 2nd world just fine). The game is actualy decent to play at 333 and a frameskip of 4. Well thats about it. Enjoy.Oh one last thing. Thanks to everybody who donated for me to get a second PSP. I have been working on the wifi library, dubed Nemo, and I am very very close to getting adhoc suport done for p2p. So hopefuly I can get a adhoc demo out in the near future once i can finish off the rewrite of the librarys. Exspect a huge thank you personaly to every donator in the wifi demo.
Ps. I officialy changed my name from nexis2600 to PSmonkey now.
— *NOTE* – This build defaults to 333Mhz as it was a development build. You can still downclock the emu to 222 via the menu.
.) Removed VSync from rendering. Games get a small boost and framerate is now around 40-50 fps in most games. A improvement over being a pretty solid 30.
.) Sound code is there but ungodly bad. I left it in this build in the hope someone can help me out with correcting it and getting it accurate.
.) Suport for using a real bios added but disabled in this build.
A Pong game written for PSP using Lua…http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=3382