LvR (Gameboy Advance)

L’Abbaye des Morts v2.0.1 (3DS Game Port)

Locomalito‘s game L’Abbaye des Morts has been ported to the Nintendo 3DS by JeffRuLz! It’s written in C using the libctru and citro3d libraries. The gameplay is directly inspired by Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy. This port seems to run fullspeed!


In the 13th century, the Cathars, who preach about good Christian beliefs, were being expelled by the Catholic Church out of the Languedoc region in France. One of them, called Jean Raymond, found an old church in which to hide, not knowing that beneath its ruins lay buried an ancient evil.

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A Little Intro (PICO-8 Intro)

A Little Intro by TMR released at Chimpbembly 2018.

TMR - A Little Intro (PICO-8)

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Sword of Surtr v2018.01.15 (A2600 Game)

Sword of Iffrit is still in development but author ultima renamed his game into Sword of Surtr. Loki the God of Mischief has stolen the sword of Surtr and split it into 3 pieces. You play as the viking Haldor on your quest to find the sword fragments and return them to your longhouse. There has been quite some progress the past months, so don’t miss your update.

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Pale Moon v27.7.1.32 (Pandora Application Port)

Pale Moon is an Open Source, Firefox-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows, Android and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!

Pale Moon offers you a browsing experience in a browser completely built from its own source with carefully selected features and optimizations to maximize the browser’s speed*, stability and user experience, while maintaining compatibility with thousands of Firefox extensions many have come to love and rely on.


* Update to 27.7.2 sources

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Hurrican v1.2.0.0 (Pandora Game Port)

Hurrican is a freeware jump and shoot game that is based on the Turrican game series. Ported to Pandora by Pickle. The package has been update during Feb 04, 2018.

Hurrican (Turrican fan game) - Level 2

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Mr. Boom v4.2.0.03 (Pandora Game Port)

Mr. Boom is a Bomberman clone for the RetroArch platform and was converted from DOS assembly using asm2c. The source code can be found here. Responsible for the Pandora port is ptitSeb.

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Hydra Castle Labyrinth v1.0.3.03 (Pandora Game Port)

Hydra Castle Labyrinth, originally Meikyuujou Hydra, is a freeware Indie platformer developed by E. Hashimoto, a.k.a. Buster. Now the game has been ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.

The game hearkens back to early “Metroidvania” games like Knightmare II: The Maze of Galious and Legacy of the Wizard: the player explores an immense maze-like dungeon, collecting tools and keys that allow them to proceed deeper. Certain areas are cordoned off from the main dungeon area, and each presents a more linear zone with a boss at the end. The player can find new equipment to make themselves stronger as well.

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LibrePCB v0.0.3.1 (Pandora Application Port)

LibrePCB is a free EDA software to develop printed circuit boards. It runs on Linux, Windows and Mac. The project is still in a quite early development stage (no stable release available). The Pandora port is courtesy of ubruhin.

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Shotgun Debugger v1.1.0.03 (Pandora Game Port)

Shotgun Debugger is a shoot-em-up game Matthew Sarnoff made with Carnegie Mellon University’s Game Creation Society in the spring of 2005. This 2D, top-down action game, has been ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.

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PDRoms goes HTTPS (misc)

PDRoms is now HTTPS ready! Thanks David! More improvements to come, let’s bring PDRoms back to old glory 🙂

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