CatPOP is an Android game by Bracksoft. Sensitivity is very important in this game! Jump on the yellow cove blocks using reflexes. The yellow tomcat should not fall into the forest!
Added Jan 9, 2017, Under:
Pinball Pong combines Pinball and Pong and is a game for PICO-8 by Isidor.
glutock has news on his platform game Twin Dragons for the NES.
Update notes:
Today I finally started to work on boss battle / entrance. Still a lot of work to do though …
Added Jan 9, 2017, Under:
Galaxy-Anne is a PICO-8 space shooter by Wernyv.
This version released with:
– new score system
– extend ship on 5000,10000,20000,40000 pts.
– new enemy types (move,shot and formation)
– Stage 0 to 6 are implemented.
Added Jan 9, 2017, Under:
Revast by alanxoc3 is a PICO-8 game. Its an Asteroids clone with a twist! One player may control the spaceship and another may shoot the asteroids.
robotfindskitten: In a move that shocked the kitten-location industry, a group of hackers in the monastery beneath the sea have constructed a zen simulation that enables users with the premier kitten-finding robot technology.
VChar64 is an editor for the Commodore 64/128. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.
– Latest stable release. See CHANGELOG inside PND.
– Updated sources.
Monster RPG 2 is a fantasy quest that spans continents and worlds and lets you take a simple villager and develop her into a hero with the power to save her world. The next installment in the classic Monster RPG series, Monster RPG 2 is a turn-based role-playing game with enough variety, plot twists, secrets, and scenery to keep even the old school players coming back for more. If you loved the 16 bit classics on old console systems, you’ll love this game. If you’ve never heard of those games, you’re in for a real treat! Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.
* Fresh build with latest sources
* Updated Allegro to
* Config is new, so you need to reconfigure keys (default action is Space)
Gravazoid is a twisted Arkanoid clone in curved spacetime by Jesper Öqvist and
Linus Åkesson. Released at Revision Rarty 2013. Ported to Pandora by farox.
DreamCrawler is a simple third person shooting tech demo for the #dcjam2016. There isn’t much to do beside moving around with the analog stick, pan the camera left and right with the triggers and shoot with the A button. The objective was to check how complicated the Dreamcast is to develop. The source code is fully available.