LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Video: NES Programming #23 – Sprite 0 and MMC3 (NES misc)

Michael Chiaramonte shows us once again how to do some NES Programming.

NES Programming #23 - Sprite 0 and MMC3


This week we figured out why the sprite 0 code was slowing things down for the game when there were lots of entities on screen and then we figured out how to change the game to run with mapper MMC3. I wasn’t able to get the scanline interrupts working properly yet but we’ll get that handled on Thursday. Thanks to those who watched!

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Golden Beak Golf v1.0 (PICO-8 Game)

Golden Beak Golf is a PICO-8 game by mccordinator. This game combines golfing and flappy bird!

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The Fish and the Furious v2018.04.22 (PICO-8 Game)

The Fish and the Furious is a PICO-8 game by relsqui. This is a fishing-and-driving simulator released for Ludum Dare 41.

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RPGs Done Quick v2018.04.22 (PICO-8 Game)

RPGs Done Quick is a PICO-8 game by RhythmLynx. You are at a speedrun event. You’re trying to complete an RPG as quickly as possible, skipping as much as you can.

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Space Blast plus Trivia v2018.04.23 (PICO-8 Game)

Space Blast plus Trivia is a PICO-8 game by gward2489. Z to shoot. Arrows to move. Shoot space bugs, dodge asteroidsd, shoot correct trivia answers to slay boss. Shoot the wrong answer and pay the price!

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Love Is A Battlefield v2018.04.22 (PICO-8 Game)

Love Is A Battlefield by F1Krazy combines a bullet-hell shooter with a dating sim. On the surface, it’s a game about shooting hearts at coloured circles while your date asks you if you know who Pat Benatar is for the sixth time. Deep down, though, it’s about helping others to deal with their insecurities and break down their emotional barriers.

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Video: NES Programming #22 – Oh, I guess I missed that word (NES misc)

Michael Chiaramonte shows us once again how to do some NES Programming.

NES Programming #22 - Oh, I guess I missed that word


I continued working on getting sprite 0 hit detection working. And it did finally work, but I couldn’t get it to scroll vertically after sprite 0 hit is triggered. I learned today that apparently you can’t do that like you can with the horizontal scroll. Need to research about that some more. Update: I have researched this and have a solution. Requires some optimization though

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Taco v2018.04.20 (WIP) (SNES Game)

Taco for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System / Super Famicom makes even more progress.


When we discussed last week, 1041uuu suggested placing coins on the field to give player ‘fun of collecting items’ and it looks good. Now I’m considering ‘reward’ coins which will appear after player wins all fishes.

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Tanglewood v2018.04.20 (WIP) (Genesis Game)

Progress for Tanglewood by Big Evil Corporation doesn’t stop!


TANGLEWOOD has now been passed to two external QA services – a small outfit in the UK, and a larger team in South Africa. Both have already performed their first playthroughs and have sent back preliminary reports.

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Jayenkai’s A Game A Week Coming to Nintendo 3DS? Part 3 (Nintendo 3DS misc)

Jayenkai of A Game A Week fame shows more progress tweaking his AGameAWeek C++ Framework for the Nintendo 3DS. Read more at GBAtemp.

Flappadiddle-Doo 3DS Homebrew - Test Two

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